Most downloaded apps on the App Store for 2024


The App Store is one of the most popular sections of Apple's online iTunes Store. The service features over 2.5 million applications in twenty-six categories, from simple card games to professional business intelligence. The editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of the most downloaded products for 2024.

Top 10 Free Apps

The service offers a large selection of free gaming and non-gaming applications. Some of them can be attributed to this category rather conditionally due to the limitation of the basic set of functions and the abundance of in-app purchases. Here are the ten most downloaded products.


The tenth place is taken by a simple and convenient reader for books in different formats. The collection features over 32,000 free books. You can also purchase the latest novelties by sending your favorite copy to the basket in one click. Installation requires 121.1 MB of memory and iOS from version 9.0.


  • simple search system;
  • you can add the pages you want to bookmarks;
  • synchronizes with all devices;
  • you can see how many pages have been read, how many are left;
  • flexible parameter setting;
  • night mode;
  • after downloading the books are available offline;
  • 20% free preview of any paid book.


  • almost all new items and bestsellers are in-app purchases.

Yandex taxi

The ninth place is taken by the online taxi ordering service. In the program, you can choose one of nine tariffs (economy, comfort, comfort +, cargo, delivery, driver, Elite, Cruise), order a car with a child seat, build a difficult route and immediately pay for the service with a card or Apple Pay. The service is equipped with the function of storing the selected routes and assessing the driver's work. Requires 183.2 MB of free memory and iOS 9.0 or higher.


  • simple interface;
  • the ability to track the route;
  • you can pay for the service;
  • setting the optimal dial peer;
  • you can immediately set the necessary taxi parameters;
  • assessment of the driver's work.


  • works in the background, determining geolocation, and quickly drains the battery.


Eighth place is taken by a program for processing photos and videos directly in shooting mode from the provider Google LLC. Fabby allows you to instantly change the background, perform blurring, add animated or musical locations. To work requires iOS from version 9.0 and 126.1 MB of free memory.


  • compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch;
  • you can work with the application while shooting or choose a ready-made photo from the gallery for processing;
  • allows you to turn a selfie into a spectacular, animated postcard;
  • you can change hair color;
  • a large selection of backgrounds and effects;
  • no company watermark;
  • simple interface.


  • after downloading the update, it sometimes freezes and requires reinstallation.


The seventh place in terms of downloads is taken by a simple but functional scheduler. Using Wunderlist, you can create both a separate task and a thematic list, set a reminder, create a self-test checklist, and mark priority areas. Installation requires 108.9 MB of free memory, iOS 8.0 and newer. The planner is compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. There are free and paid versions.


  • tasks can be combined into subject folders;
  • arbitrary setting of reminders, including deferred and recurring;
  • self-test checklist includes up to 25 subtasks;
  • files up to 5 MB, pictures, notes can be attached to tasks;
  • hashtags can be attached to names for faster search;
  • general lists for today, week, urgent are automatically generated;
  • intuitive interface;
  • you can open access to multiple users;
  • syncs with multiple devices.


  • subtasks are not displayed in the general list, they cannot be sorted according to their importance and urgency;
  • you cannot configure multiple notifications for one task within one day.


The sixth place is taken by a fitness app with a simple, intuitive interface. With the first launch, you need to calibrate by filling out a short questionnaire and going through several tens of steps. The desktop is decorated with bright, animated, vertically arranged icons. Argus tracks daily activity, making reports for the day, week, month. To track the intensity and type of loads during training, you need to specify the type of activity (there are more than 20 types of activity in the list). Synchronized with Pebble smartwatches, Jawbone, Mio, FitBit fitness bracelets, scales. Installation requires 45 MB of free memory and iOS from version 7.1.


  • good level of measurement accuracy;
  • compatible with smartwatches and fitness bracelets;
  • there is a counter of calories consumed with food;
  • simple interface;
  • laid down 25 types of activity;
  • visual graphs;
  • reflects the traversed route on the map;
  • the ability to share results on social networks.


  • quickly consumes battery power;
  • some of the fitness plans come as in-app purchases.

Sberbank Online

On the fifth line, the application has been holding the leading position in the finance section for several years. The software product allows you to manage your accounts, open new deposits in rubles, foreign currency or precious metals, make payments, save checks, receive complete information about banking offers and services. The developers also provide for a basic version of the budget planner and a system for searching for traffic fines, arrears in the Federal Tax Service. Installation requires 529.3 MB, iOS 10.0 and watchOS 2.0. Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.


  • quick entry;
  • wide functionality;
  • simple interface;
  • geolocation finds and shows the bank branches and terminals closest to the user;
  • chat with bank employees;
  • right in the program, you can purchase codes for paid applications for iTunes and App Store, music, books, magazines, films;
  • you can save receipts;
  • separate pin code.


  • the application has access to the camera, gallery, contacts;
  • when active, quickly depletes battery power.

Whatsapp messenger

In fourth place is the popular messenger WhatsApp. Allows you to send text, audio and video messages. The function of call, group chat, WEB-messages is provided. Uses the phone's internet connection (4G / 3G / 2G / EDGE, WiFi). Requires 152.7 MB of free memory, iOS 8.0 or higher.


  • the ability to make video and audio calls;
  • fast transfer of media files;
  • you can send Gif messages;
  • group chat;
  • extensive built-in base of emoji and gifs;
  • end-to-end encryption;
  • you can set the status for 24 hours;
  • avatar;
  • convenient function of tracking message status;
  • works stably at low speed internet connection.


  • sometimes freezes and messages arrive late;
  • the maximum weight of uploaded files is up to 100 MB.


In third place is a social network for publishing photos and mini clips. Allows users to take pictures, process them with built-in effects and filters, share the floor including Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, Tumblr, Flickr and Posterous. To download, you need 112.2 MB of free memory, iOS from version 11.0. Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.


  • international service;
  • simple search system;
  • 15 built-in filters for image processing;
  • the ability to preview the effects;
  • support for working with the main and front cameras of the iPhone;
  • you can upload and process photos from the gallery;
  • live broadcasts;
  • quick repost of messages to other social networks;
  • the ability to communicate by interest in the comments or messages Direct.


  • restriction of privacy settings;
  • technical support is slow;
  • a lot of advertising.

  • Shazam

In second place is a trendy application that allows you to identify music even by a small piece. The program analyzes the spectrogram, determines the genre and displays a list of similar compositions. Requires iOS 11.0 or higher and watchOS 5.0. Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.


  • quick start;
  • auto mode;
  • the ability to track which tracks your favorite artists are looking for
  • karaoke function;
  • integration with Spotify;
  • automatic redirection to iTunes;
  • the ability to transfer the composition through instant messengers.


  • some features are location dependent;
  • problems in identifying underground tracks.

AliExpress Shopping App

One of the most popular apps with a huge number of downloads is the AliExpress virtual store, which brings together thousands of brands from different countries. The interface includes four main tabs: main, interesting, cart, profile. When choosing a product, you can focus on the seller's rating and customer reviews, as well as leave your feedback after receiving. To download, you need 197.9 MB of free memory and iOS from version 9.0. Supports iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.


  • a large selection of products in all categories;
  • simple registration;
  • system of bonuses;
  • publicly available customer reviews and product ratings;
  • Tmall section, which united Russian sellers;
  • simple payment procedure;
  • delivery tracking function.


  • description on some product cards with poor translation.

applicationCategorySystem requirementsIn-app purchases
LITRESbooks121.1 MB memory and iOS from version 9.0.+
Yandex taxitravels183.2 MB of free memory and iOS from version 9.0.service payment
Fabbyphoto / videoiOS from version 9.0 and 126.1 MB of free memory-
Wunderlistperformance108.9 MB free memory, iOS from 8.0there is a paid version
Argusfitness45 MB of free memory and iOS from version 7.1.+
Sberbank Onlinefinance529.3 MB, iOS 10.0 and watchOS 2.0. -
Whatsapp messenger
social networks152.7 MB of free memory, iOS from version 8.0. +
Instagramsocial networks112.2 MB of free memory, iOS from version 11.0. +
Shazammusic iOS from version 11.0 and watchOS 5.0. +
AliExpress Shopping Appthe shops197.9 MB of free memory and iOS from version 9.0.+

Top 5 Paid Apps

There are many paid apps on the App Store that cost from 15 to 79,900 rubles. The most expensive products are Alpha-Trader (it shows the value of shares in real time, predicts risks, allows for full-fledged analytics), VIP Black (a program for the registration of premium medical services), roc.Kasse (a virtual cash register with many possibilities). But the most popular are still budget programs. We offer the top 5 most downloaded paid iPhone apps.

Statistics from VKontakte

The fifth line is occupied by one of the most popular applications for users of the social network VKontakte. The program allows you to collect complete information about all types of activity on the page. Installation requires iOS from version 8.0. Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Cost: 15 rubles.


  • simple interface;
  • easy control algorithm;
  • visual reports;
  • can be used as a messenger.


  • in-app purchases and ads;
  • sometimes it crashes in displaying friends' visits.

MoneyWiz 2

The fourth place was given to the financial manager from SilverWiz Ltd. MoneyWiz 2 has an original, but at the same time laconic design and convenient button layout. The program allows you to store information about open accounts, dividing them into groups, draw up a budget and automatically monitor execution, plan payment terms, analyze income and expenses. Installation requires iOS 9.0 and watchOS 2.0. Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Cost: 379 rubles.


  • simple interface;
  • wide functionality;
  • Internet banking is available;
  • visual reporting;
  • customization of the parameters displayed on the main page;
  • setting a pin code.


  • paid updates;
  • unordered display of categories.

Polyglot 16 - English

In third place is Dmitry Petrov's product for learning basic English in 16 lessons. Polyglot 16 includes a sequential training video course, built-in grammar description, vocabulary, hints. You can work with each lesson in four modes (memorizing words and phrases, writing sentences, oral mode, free training). Requires iOS 8.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Cost: 379 rubles.


  • simple control;
  • all the main topics of grammar are being worked out;
  • voicing answers;
  • keeping statistics;
  • consolidation of material in conversational topics.


  • there are in-app purchases.


In second place is a psychedelic-style arcade rhythm game. Features high, constantly increasing speeds, simple one-button controls and many obstacles. The developers offer to go through nine levels by controlling a metal capsule-bug and test your instincts and reactions. It is important not only to go through obstacles, but also to play the melody correctly. Installation requires 490.8 MB, iOS from version 11.0. Cost: 379 rubles.


  • bright design;
  • high speeds;
  • you can turn on the hard mode;
  • a bonus system is provided;
  • about 30 save points at each level;
  • clear picture.


  • there is a delay in sound while playing in wireless headphones;
  • repeating fragments of music tracks.


The first place is given to the most powerful drawing program. Procreate helps you create not only sketches, but also complete paintings. An extensive set of professional art tools allows you to work with layers, perspective, Gaussian blur and motion. You can also record a time-lapse video, create your own unique brushes and a palette suitable for a specific project. Requires 196 MB memory and iOS 12.0 or higher. Cost: 749 rubles.


  • minimalistic design;
  • simple interface;
  • continuous autosave function;
  • quick menu;
  • high resolution canvases;
  • Silica M 64-bit drawing engine;
  • 64-bit palette colors;
  • cropping and resizing the canvas;
  • QuickShape function;
  • in a set of 136 brushes;
  • the ability to simulate the parameters of the brush and palette;
  • import and export of custom brushes;
  • 17 layer blending modes;
  • many artistic special effects;
  • virtual assistant;
  • the ability to record the process of creating a picture on video;
  • online broadcasts are available;
  • the ability to save the file in most popular formats;
  • fast upload to social networks.


  • loading difficulties may arise when working with multilayer projects.

applicationCategorySystem requirementsPrice, rub.)
Statistics from VKontaktesocial networksiOS from version 8.0. 15
MoneyWiz 2finance iOS from 9.0 and watchOS 2.0. 379
Polyglot 16 - EnglisheducationiOS from 8.0 379
Thumpergames490.8 MB, iOS from version 11.0. 379
Procreateentertainment196 MB memory and iOS from version 12.0. 749

In the App Store, you can find a program to solve any problem. Each category contains about a hundred options that differ not only in the interface, but also in the set of functions. Don't be afraid to experiment. Try different apps. This is the only way to choose what is right for you.

If you have experience using the applications described in the rating or more interesting options, tell us about it in the comments.


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