Dogs have been faithful companions of man for a long time. We can say that they evolved along with humans. Today, there are thousands of species of these animals, and each is endowed with a unique character and ability. Some of them participate in various competitions and win prizes, while the latter are used by law enforcement agencies and services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. If you need to buy a pet, it is important to know some information about the representative in order to be prepared for various situations. The editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of the smartest dog breeds for 2024.
Top smart pets of small breeds
Miniature poodle
This doggie gets all the attention with its charm. The animal loves to be constantly looked after. Always trying to be in the spotlight. Most of the creative people prefer to start this particular breed. Despite the large amount of fur, the pet does not shed, so a person does not have to constantly find wool in different places. Dogs are suitable for allergy sufferers.
The character is calm and balanced. Even beginners can cope with them, the pet quickly learns commands.
One interesting fact is associated with the breed. Composer Richard Wagner always took the little furry animal with him to auditions or rehearsals. There was only one reason for this - if the person did not hit the notes or out of tune, the pet immediately began to bark.
The average cost is 7,000 rubles for a pet-class dog.
- Can be kept in an apartment;
- Suitable for allergy sufferers;
- Mental capacity;
- Easy to learn;
- Calm character;
- Does not fade.
- Require care;
- Dislikes other animals.
A small, beautiful and graceful dog that will suit everyone. It is easy to train, but only an experienced person can handle it. If you take proper care of the dog, you will never have a "dog smell". The pet is a descendant of guard dogs, only much smaller. With an impending danger, the fur rises, and he himself begins to make restless sounds.
With proper training and care, there will be no concern. Representatives of the breed are obedient and intelligent.
If a person chooses Basenji, then he will be surprised at some points. For example, a dog may cry and wash with its paw, like a cat.
The food should be balanced and varied, the health of the animal depends on it. Therefore, special attention should be paid to food.
The average cost is 30,000 rubles per puppy.
- Gracefulness;
- Intelligence;
- Calm character;
- It does not require special care;
- Cleanliness;
- Can live in an apartment.
- Not suitable for beginners;
- Price.
The first mention and detailed description of the breed dates back to the 19th century. However, it was possible to meet it in the 16-18 centuries. This is indicated by some paintings by Italian artists. Despite its small size, it is not a decorative dog, it has hunting instincts. The high level of intelligence makes it easy to train the pet.
Although the dog is distrustful of others, she loves her family and is devoted to her. She is calm with children and plays with them. Learns quickly to various commands.If you do not educate her, then over time she will become moody. The dog's coat is short and fluffy. Good living conditions are required, since their breed is aristocratic. She will not live outdoors.
Lean meat, rice, buckwheat, zucchini, etc. are suitable for eating. Bones and pork should not be given to her. It is also not recommended to feed flour products and products containing sugar. You need to walk at least 2 times a day for 20 minutes.
The average cost is 11,000 rubles.
- Activity;
- Easy team training;
- Developed intelligence;
- Virtually no shedding;
- Beautiful;
- Requires constant affection.
- Rancor;
- May be offended by the owner.
Russian toy
An energetic little and cute dog that does not require specific care. However, the loyalty and tenderness of this pet is achieved if a person takes proper care of him, since his character is not easy. The progenitors are considered to be English Toy. The difference between this breed lies in the length of the coat, which is 3-5 cm. The muzzle is long and sharp.
This breed is not suitable for beginners, because with improper socialization and upbringing, the pet will remain shy and hysterical. If all the requirements are met, then the result will be the opposite and the person will receive a calm and friendly companion. Animals are easy to train, in addition, they have a sentinel instinct. With a long stay in loneliness, begins to whine and gnaw on shoes.
You can feed the Russian Toy with premium industrial food, which contains all the necessary substances and minerals. But natural food is also allowed, it is not recommended to mix the two options. Vitamins are selected after consultation with a veterinarian.
The average cost is 14,000 rubles.
- Small size;
- Remembering commands;
- Do not attack people;
- Beautiful breed;
- Devotion.
- Difficult character;
- Weak immune system.
The breed is one of the ten long-lived breeds, so a person can spend 15 bright and rich years with it. A small and curious Spitz is distinguished by mental activity and energy, he loves everything new. Previously, this pet was kept only by wealthy people, which is why over time it became a symbol of wealth. The main pride of the dog is its thick and soft fur. In appearance, the animal resembles a plush toy.
Like most small dogs, the Spitz has a quick-tempered character. Despite its small size, the dog can enter into an unequal fight if it feels threatened. In addition to courage and quick temper, the pet is distinguished by devotion and high intelligence. However, for proper education, an individual approach must be found.
Spitz are good friends with children and always help them, play together. However, adults must observe them. Because a small child may think that it is a toy and accidentally injure the dog, it, in turn, will defend itself.
The average price is 70,000 rubles. Of course, there are cheaper puppies, but in this case, you should carefully choose a kennel and study the medical record.
- Small size;
- Developed intelligence;
- Treat children well;
- Beautiful;
- Activity;
- Curiosity.
- Willfulness;
- Hair care.
Rating of smart dogs of medium size weighing from 13 kg
The breed ranks 6th in the list of the smartest animals in this group. Thanks to its developed intelligence, the dog is able to carry out commands of any complexity. In ancient times, such pets were used for grazing. However, it quickly lost ground when the agricultural industry began to expand rapidly. The Shelties were on the verge of extinction if a club was not created in 1909, where animals began to be used as pets, rather than shepherds.
The peculiarity of the dog is that it is able to recognize not only the voice and gestures shown by the owner, but also facial expressions.This is confirmed by research by Canadian psychologist Stanley Corren. Due to their high intelligence in the early stages of training, the Sheltie can be stubborn, which will create some difficulties.
The average cost is 17,000 rubles.
- Sharp mind;
- Good sense of smell;
- Affectionate animals;
- Devotion;
- Small size makes it possible to get a dog in an apartment;
- Friendliness.
- Dislikes loneliness;
- Propensity for genetic diseases.
The Dachshund is a hunting dog that has gained great popularity as a loyal companion. The main feature is an elongated body, which gives the breed an unusual appearance. But this feature appeared for a reason. Due to its long body and powerful legs, the dog can easily climb into the burrow and drive various animals out of it.
In addition, the pet has an analytical mindset, which allows him to make all decisions without commands from the owner. He is also fearless and not afraid of large creatures.
The average cost is 15,000 rubles for a puppy with a pedigree.
- Small size;
- Analytical mind;
- Fearlessness;
- Devotion;
- Good hunting instincts;
- Playfulness.
- Jealous character;
- Willfulness.
Welsh corgi
A beautiful and peaceful dog of small size. The breed is unique in that it is suitable even for inexperienced users who have never had pets at home. Corgi have good stamina and mobility. Therefore, they used to play the role of universal shepherds. The head resembles a fox, the eyes are medium in size, the body is massive. Moves easily and quickly.
The dog has a calm and balanced character, easily makes contact. Does not feel aggression towards people. Corgi is always happy when there is an opportunity to communicate with the owner. Developed intelligence allows her to quickly memorize various commands. It is important to understand that the pet is not capable of leading an outdoor lifestyle, so it is better to buy it for the home.
The average cost is 40,000 rubles.
- It does not require special care;
- Suitable for beginners;
- Remembers commands easily;
- Doesn't bark for no reason;
- Stress-free adapts to any conditions.
- Can be stubborn
- Needs long walks.
Boston terrier
A loving pet that will delight every guest. Experts recommend starting it for the elderly or families with children. Because of the short coat, Bostonians practically do not shed, and if this happens, the owner will not even notice. Another feature is that the doggie does not smell.
The cheerful character will cheer you up at any time and weather. This is an excellent decorative breed that will suit everyone. Even if a person has other animals, they will not have any conflict with the dog. It rarely barks, only in those cases when the owner is in high danger.
Animal care is not difficult. Due to its small size, it can be started in an apartment. The bed is installed in a place where there is no draft, otherwise the dog will get sick. Despite the fact that the Bostonian is decorative, it still needs to be walked every day.
The average price is 30,000 rubles.
- Easy to train;
- Finds a common language with all guests and children;
- Molting is invisible to the owner;
- They do not gnaw or scratch anything;
- Lack of aggression;
- Suitable for an apartment.
- Excessive gullibility;
- Disease propensity.
Top smart dogs of large sizes
German Shepherd
This is one of the most famous dog breeds. Almost everyone has heard of her. Suitable both as a shepherd and for law enforcement agencies. The peculiarity of this pet is its strong loyalty to the owner. He will never leave a person in difficult times and will always be there. Feels good mood and is able to easily raise it. He is neutral to outsiders, unpretentious in leaving, but this is achieved only by hard training.
The size of the German Shepherd can be classified as a large breed.The average weight of males reaches 40 kg, with a height of up to 65 cm. If a person decides to have a dog, it is important to remember that it is necessary to constantly deal with it. It is impossible for the animal to swell with fat, it is unhealthy.
The character of the Shepherd is calm and self-possessed. People are treated calmly, as the dog is confident in himself and his strength. Aggression manifests itself only when the life of the owner is threatened or in relation to his own life. The German is perfect not only as a pet, but also for guarding and guard duty. Performs tasks faithfully and accurately. But all this is achieved by diligent education.
The average cost is 60,000 rubles.
- Learns well;
- Endurance;
- Intelligence;
- Will not harm without reason;
- Beautiful appearance;
- Good watchman and friend;
- Loves children.
- Can't be kept in an apartment;
- Molting.
Another popular breed that most people love. The character is calm and peaceful. The origin of Labradors is unknown and still remains a mystery. There are several versions of their appearance, but there is no scientific reliability in them. Dogs are distinguished by a high pain threshold, which allows them to be used in the services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, because they without hesitation rush into the epicenter of misfortune and find people stuck.
In addition, Labradors are present in some hospitals where canistherapy is performed. The physique is large and muscular. The peculiarity of the pet is high activity and endurance. They often become loyal companions of hunters.
The classic color is black, there may be a white spot at the bottom. Care is not difficult, but the owner must regularly exercise, since obesity is not allowed.
The average price is 19,000 rubles.
- Kindness;
- Does not feel aggression towards people;
- High pain threshold;
- Easy to learn commands;
- It does not require special care;
- Devotion.
- High activity;
- Obesity tendency.
Strong and hardy animals that were previously used exclusively for hunting. They are also distinguished by good guarding qualities, which allows them to be used as watchmen.
With the right upbringing, a Rottweiler will never attack a person for no reason. Despite this, in the modern world he is considered dangerous and aggressive. Therefore, it is not recommended to get them for people who are not ready to educate and train a pet.
The Rottweiler is only suitable for experienced dog handlers, as only they can grow it properly. Although an animal is considered intelligent, training it is a whole science. Here the main role will be played not only by the character of the pet, but also by the person who decided on this matter.
The average cost is 6,000 rubles.
- With the right upbringing, an intelligent and kind dog grows up;
- Easily makes contact with the owner;
- Developed intelligence;
- Excellent watchdog qualities.
- Difficulty of training;
- High aggression due to improper upbringing, even in relation to the owner.
Despite the strict appearance, under this mask is a kind and friendly creature who is always ready to help. The Boxer is well built and has high endurance. The mass reaches 30 kg. The pet differs from other animals in its sincerity and lack of treachery. He treats strangers with distrust, so guests should be careful.
They can be trained without any problems, however, due to their wayward nature, they may refuse to execute some commands. Therefore, the owner should be patient and not shout at the boxer for no reason. It is also prohibited to use physical force. To make training easy, it is important to interest the pet in this, only then they will end in success.
The average cost is 22,000 rubles.
- Suitable for an apartment;
- Easy to learn;
- Devotion;
- Excellent security qualities;
- Unpretentious care.
- High activity;
- There is a tendency to certain diseases.
Finding an intelligent and loyal pet is not an easy task.After all, everything depends not only on the nature of the animal, but also on the patience and efforts of the person himself. If you have ever had the breeds described in the rating, or have more interesting suggestions, tell us about it in the comments.