Chocolate: choosing the best product for 2024


Everyone knows from childhood a sweet, fragrant brown product that will help relieve stress after a hard day, improve mood and well-being. And his name is chocolate. The editorial staff of "" has prepared a selection of the best chocolate worth from 50 to 256 rubles.

Chocolate pedigree

The homeland of the "chocolate" tree is considered to be Central and South America. Even in the days of the Aztecs and Mayans, they knew about the beneficial properties of cocoa beans, about the extraordinary aroma of the drink made from them. Using roasted and ground grains, a great product was brewed with the addition of water and hot pepper. The cold frothy drink with a bitter and spicy note tasted pleasant, which invigorated and improved the mood.

Chocolate has Aztec roots: “xocolātl " (chocolatl) - this means "bitter water". Beginning in 1520, he gained popularity in European society. At the beginning of the 17th century, the chocolate drink was drunk hot with added sugar. These were people with great wealth - chocolate was one of the most expensive products. The variety names depend on the place of their growth.

Properties of cocoa beans

In the pulp of the fruit of the "chocolate" tree there are from 29 to 51 pieces. beans. They resemble almonds in shape, and their length reaches 2.4 cm.The bob is a hard core, which is formed from:

  • cotyledons - 2 pcs;
  • germ-germ;
  • cocoa shells (hard shell).

Freshly picked cocoa beans of pale color with a tart bitter aftertaste. The familiar chocolate flavor that everyone is used to is achieved through special processing. This is fermentation and drying, carried out on plantations.

Beans have different tastes, due to which they are divided into two types:

  • “Noble” is a delicate texture and smack, a delicate aroma with a variety of flavors;
  • “Consumer” - sourish-tart taste with bitterness against the background of a strong chocolate aroma.

Cocoa beans (dry) contain different constituents. Here you can find fats, small amounts of theobromine and caffeine (alkaloids), carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, tannins and aromatic substances, organic acids.


Fermented grains are cleaned, sorted and roasted. Then they are crushed to a crumb state. Then it is processed and turned into a mixture of liquid consistency.

Modern processing technologies make it possible to obtain cocoa liquor (semi-finished product). The resulting mass is processed under a press: the cocoa butter is squeezed out, leaving the cake in the Persian. Cocoa powder is produced from it.

The recipe for making chocolate requires a grated part of cocoa, its butter, crushed sugar (powder).The rest of the components of chocolate products are various additives (aroma and flavor). Solid particles of raw materials are crushed to 20 microns thanks to the melanger, mixed with cocoa butter. Then it is cooled to 32 degrees. The finished mixture is formed in a special machine.

Components of a sweet product

The bulk of dry cocoa beans contains:

  1. Fats: from 53% to 57% (at 25 degrees they do not change their structure, they melt at 32 degrees%).
  2. The finished chocolate product contains 9 grams. fat (37 gr., 55% of the total calorie content), in a dairy product about 139 kcal.
  3. Cocoa products also contain theobromine alkaloid, which is quite toxic. For example, for cats and dogs, it is a strong toxin: (200 - 399 mg / kg of theobromine can be fatal). Its toxic effect on the human body is practically excluded, since it is rapidly metabolized.
  4. Chocolate contains a lot of sugar (55 g / 100 g), flavonoids (found in red wine and grape berries).

Product varieties

The modern industry produces different types of chocolate products using butter, powder and grated cocoa beans. According to the quantitative composition of cocoa, finished products are divided into products:

  • not very bitter taste ("dark chocolate", 55.1% of raw materials): contains an increased amount of cocoa powder, butter and crushed sugar;
  • pronounced pungent aftertaste ("bitter chocolate", 70% of raw materials): in the composition a large percentage of grated cocoa, has a strong consistency;
  • the smallest amount of raw materials ("milk chocolate", 30.1% of raw materials):
  • contains cocoa butter, a small amount of cocoa powder, powdered sugar and powdered milk;
  • no cocoa powder ("white chocolate"): contains cocoa butter, powdered sugar, powdered milk and vanillin, no theobromine, melts easily;
  • porous product: obtained by special preparation in vacuum boilers;
  • from special cocoa beans ("ruby chocolate") grown in the Ivory Coast, Ecuador, Brazil, no colorants and berries, has a natural pink hue and berry taste (13 years old development of the world leader in the production of chocolate products "Barry Callebaut");
  • vegetarian ("vegan chocolate"): no milk, almond, coconut or rice milk, soy;
  • sugarless ("diabetic chocolate"): Sorbitol, mannitol, isomalt, etc. are present.

The sweet product is used in the preparation of various confectionery products, chocolate glaze, for chocolate flavor to confectionery.

Sweet influence

Several years ago (19th century), a chocolate product could only be purchased in a pharmacy as a hot remedy. It was a "drug" that gives strength and vigor to a person, improves health and mood. It was believed that chocolate is not harmful to the body in small quantities (indicated for the heart and vascular system, with low pressure and fatigue, after sports activities, etc.).

However, in some diseases, the sweet product must be consumed very carefully or it is better to refuse altogether. For example, doctors do not recommend taking chocolate sweets if there is a risk of kidney stones, since cocoa powder contains oxalates. They can become a trigger for the development of kidney stones.

Modern chocolate has various impurities: trans fats (hydrogenated palm and coconut oil), ochratoxin A (may contain dark chocolate), theobromine. Too frequent use of products and in large quantities can lead to the development of obesity or be a trigger for the development of diabetes.

Common disadvantages of eating chocolate include:

  • it cannot be taken in large quantities;
  • the product may cause an allergic reaction.

Despite the warnings of doctors and the risks of consuming chocolate, it is difficult to refuse a great product. It brings pleasure and joy, a positive mood, etc. It is a good present for a holiday or birthday. Lovers love to treat each other to them.This is a sweet attribute of a modern person who has entered everyday life forever. And in small quantities, chocolate is useful, it will not do much harm to the body.

Rating of the best chocolate brands

Characteristics of TOP 14 popular brands of chocolate  
N / aProduct nameFunctional features
1.Milk chocolate "LINDT", SwitzerlandNatural product, classic version with a century-old tradition of cooking, 31% cocoa
2.Milk chocolate "LINDT", "Cresta", SwitzerlandNatural product, 31% cocoa
3.Dark chocolate "LIND", "EXCELLENCE" Dark-Noir, SwitzerlandNatural product, elite class of chocolate products, 99% cocoa
4.Milk chocolate "Cachet" with almonds and raisins, Belgium"Premium class" product, natural product, 32% cocoa
5.Dark chocolate "LIND", "Excellence Dark Orange" with walnut and orange, SwitzerlandNatural product, original combination of orange and almonds, 48% cocoa
6.Milk chocolate "Choceur Haselnuss" with hazelnuts, AustriaNatural product, high quality raw materials that meet EU requirements, 33% cocoa, whole hazelnut
7. Milk chocolate "O'Zera" Milk & Raspberry, FranceNatural product, contains natural filler - raspberries, 32.1% cocoa
8.Ritter Sport Kokos, GermanyNatural product, contains a lot of crunchy corn flakes and fine coconut flakes, up to 28% cocoa raw material
9.Dark chocolate "Svitoch" Exclusive with ginger and lemon, UkraineOriginal taste with sharpness and bitterness, natural product, 49% cocoa
10.Dark chocolate "Svitoch" Exclusive with sea salt and caramel, UkraineNatural product, new from the manufacturer, unusually combination of salty taste with sweet aftertaste, 51% cocoa
11.Milk chocolate "Kinder Chocolate" with cereals Harmonious combination of milk chocolate with cereal filling, natural product, 33% cocoa
12.Chocolate "Russia - a generous soul" "Cappuccino" coffee with milk, RussiaIntense flavor of milk and white chocolate with milk and coffee, natural product, 34% cocoa
13.White chocolate "Torras" "Blanco Bayas Goji" with Goji berries, SpainA natural product with an original taste and aroma, without sugar and gluten, has a large amount of minerals, amino acids and nutrients
14.Russian classic chocolate "Inspiration"Classic, 53.2% cocoa

Milk chocolate "LINDT"

A popular product of the confectionery factory "Lindt & Sprüngli AG" with high quality. Manufacturer: Switzerland. Release form: tiles 100 gr. with an average price of 158 rubles.

Milk chocolate "LINDT"


  • Swiss natural product;
  • cocoa raw materials from 31%;
  • high quality;
  • has a delicate and mild taste;
  • adherence to the age-old recipe;
  • great reviews;
  • affordable price.


  • not

Milk chocolate "LINDT", "Cresta"

This product, according to consumer reviews, is a popular option, Manufacturer: Switzerland. Release form: tile 100 gr. with an average price of 182 rubles.

Milk chocolate Cresta


  • Swiss quality;
  • cocoa raw materials 31%, hazelnuts, nougat (crunchy pieces);
  • adherence to the age-old recipe;
  • delicate texture and mild nutty taste;
  • patented cooking formula;
  • there are a lot of hazelnuts and caramel inside;
  • excellent quality at an affordable price.


  • not.

Dark chocolate "LINDT", "EXCELLENCE" Dark-Noir

The product is designed for lovers of a chocolate product with a high cocoa content. Manufacturer: Switzerland. Release form: tile 50 gr. with an average price of 220 rubles.

Dark chocolate "LINDT", "EXCELLENCE" Dark-Noir


  • Swiss natural product for true connoisseurs of dark chocolate;
  • belongs to the elite class of chocolate products;
  • 99% cocoa powder (defatted), protein, vit A, C, Ca, soy lecithin;
  • classic version with a century-old tradition of cooking;
  • has a delicate texture and unique taste;
  • patented cooking formula;
  • has a plastic wraparound;
  • allowed for people in minimum doses, following a diet;
  • raises mood and well-being, tones up;
  • displays at low pressure and fatigue;
  • according to consumer reviews, prepared hot chocolate from a bar has a more pronounced effect on the body than one cup of strong coffee;
  • excellent product quality.


  • not.

Milk chocolate "Cachet" with almonds and raisins

A high quality product for true connoisseurs of chocolate products. Manufacturer: Belgium. Release form: tile 100 gr. with an average price of 254 rubles.

Milk chocolate "Cachet" with almonds and raisins


  • Belgian natural product for true connoisseurs of milk chocolate;
  • a premium product in stylish branded packaging;
  • has a unique combination of cocoa aroma with an almond and raisin flavor;
  • 32% cocoa powder, almonds (crushed), milk, cocoa butter and pulp, raisins;
  • patented cooking formula;
  • raises mood and well-being, tones up;
  • indicated for low pressure and fatigue;
  • great gift;
  • has excellent reviews;
  • high quality at an affordable price.


  • not.

Dark chocolate "LINDT", "Excellence Dark Orange" with walnut and orange

Branded product with candied orange fruits and chopped almonds. Manufacturer: Switzerland. Release form: tile 100 gr. with an average price of 194 rubles.

Dark chocolate "LINDT", "Excellence Dark Orange" with walnut and orange


  • Swiss natural product;
  • 48% cocoa powder, 7% almonds (crushed to thin slices), candied orange (chunks), lecithin (soy), vanillin, orange flavor;
  • original combination of orange and almonds;
  • has a delicate texture;
  • has a large amount of nuts and candied fruits;
  • positive customer reviews;
  • high quality at an affordable price.


  • not everyone likes the strong orange flavor.

Milk chocolate "Choceur Haselnuss" with hazelnuts

The chocolate product is a legendary confection that has remained popular over the years. Manufacturer: Austria. Release form: tile 100 gr. with an average price of 90 rubles.

Milk chocolate "Choceur Haselnuss" with hazelnuts


  • Austrian natural product;
  • quality raw materials that meet EU requirements;
  • 33% cocoa powder, soy lecithin, vanillin, milk, hazelnut (whole);
  • pleasant aroma;
  • maximum protection of chocolate (unique packaging);
  • preservation of taste and quality for many years;
  • excellent quality at an affordable price;
  • according to buyers, has a lot of whole nuts.


  • not everyone likes a strong sweet taste.

Milk chocolate "O'Zera" Milk & Raspberry

Excellent quality confection from their finest cocoa and raspberries. Manufacturer: France. Release form: tile 100 gr. with an average price of 89 rubles.

Milk chocolate "O'Zera" Milk & Raspberry


  • excellent French product quality;
  • natural product: does not contain palm oil;
  • selected cocoa beans are used;
  • 31.2% cocoa powder, whey, glucose syrup, raspberries;
  • contains a natural filler (raspberry);
  • harmonious combination of sweet taste with berry sourness;
  • great reviews;
  • affordable price;
  • value for money.


  • not.

Ritter Sport Kokos chocolate

A confectionery product for lovers of a chocolate product with a minimum amount of cocoa. Manufacturer: Germany. Release form: tile 200 gr. with an average price of 110 rubles.

Ritter Sport Kokos White Chocolate


  • German natural product;
  • high quality;
  • up to 28% cocoa raw materials, corn flakes 7%, coconut 18% (fine chips);
  • has a delicate texture;
  • according to customers, a lot of crispy cornflakes and fine coconut flakes;
  • unsurpassed taste, reminiscent of Rafaello sweets;
  • the product is popular among children and adults;
  • value for money;
  • affordable price;
  • great reviews.


  • not.

Dark chocolate "Svitoch" Exclusive with ginger and lemon

An original chocolate product for lovers of extravagant tastes with natural additives. Production: Ukraine, Lvov. Available in tiles of 100 grams. Release form: tile 100 gr.with an average price of 79 rubles.

Dark chocolate "Svitoch" Exclusive with ginger and lemon


  • Ukrainian natural product;
  • high quality;
  • 49% cocoa powder, lemon (zest 3%, citric acid, molasses), ginger (pieces 1%), lecithin (sunflower), gluten;
  • a novelty in the assortment of the chocolate line;
  • no palm and coconut oil;
  • original taste with pungency and bitterness;
  • very pleasant aftertaste;
  • the product has a glossy appearance;
  • beautiful high-quality packaging;
  • according to buyers - the best product at an affordable price.


  • a product for the lover of extravagant tastes.

Dark chocolate "Svitoch" Exclusive with sea salt and caramel

This type of product is designed for true connoisseurs of sweet exotic with natural additives. Manufacturer: Ukraine, Lviv. Release form: tiles 100 grams with an average price of 80 rubles.

Dark chocolate "Svitoch" Exclusive with sea salt and caramel


  • Ukrainian natural product;
  • excellent quality at an affordable price;
  • 51% cocoa powder, caramel (pieces), whey, soy lecithin, milk (dry), sea salt 0.5%;
  • new from the manufacturer;
  • unusual combination of salty taste with sweet aftertaste;
  • has a glossy surface;
  • according to reviews of true connoisseurs of sweets, the components are perfectly selected: not sweet, not very salty, with a pronounced chocolate shade;
  • high quality at an affordable price.


  • product "for an amateur".

Milk chocolate "Kinder Chocolate" with cereals

A sweet product with a unique flavor of cereals and chocolate. Manufacturer: Italy. It is produced in the form of tiles of 94 grams (4 pcs. 23.5 grams per pack). Average price: 50 rubles.

Milk chocolate "Kinder Chocolate" with cereals


  • Italian natural product;
  • with delicate texture, melts in the mouth;
  • 33% cocoa powder, cereals (7.5% flakes of barley, rice, wheat, buckwheat, spelled wheat);
  • harmonious combination of milk chocolate with cereal filling;
  • tasty and nutritious;
  • popular with children and adults for over 50 years;
  • high quality at an affordable price.


  • very sweet.

Chocolate "Russia - a generous soul" "Cappuccino" coffee with milk

Suitable for lovers of coffee with chocolate. Production: Russia. Release form: tiles 90 grams with an average price of 95.20 rubles.

Chocolate "Russia - a generous soul" "Cappuccino" coffee with milk


  • Russian natural product, has natural additives;
  • exquisite taste: rich flavor of milk and white chocolate with milk and coffee;
  • tasty and satisfying;
  • 34% cocoa powder, coffee, salt, sugar, egg white and gluten;
  • “Balm for the soul” for lovers of coffee drinks and chocolate products;
  • melts pleasantly in the mouth;
  • positive reviews;
  • affordable price.


  • not.

White chocolate "Torras" "Blanco Bayas Goji" with Goji berries

Natural product without sugar, which is suitable for diabetics. Manufacturer: Spain. Release form: tiles 90 grams with an average price of 80 rubles.

"Torras" chocolate "Blanco Bayas Goji" with Goji berries


  • Spanish natural product with original taste and aroma;
  • sugar and gluten free;
  • has a strengthening effect on the body (Goji berries have a large amount of minerals, amino acids and nutrients (vit B, E, C);
  • improves metabolic processes in the body, blood circulation;
  • in the composition of maltitol (maltitol - malt sugar), cocoa butter and its grated part, powdered milk, Goji (dried berry 7%), lecithin (soy), almonds 10%, natural sugar, vanillin, coconut and inulin;
  • does not cause caries;
  • no palm oil;
  • has 2 times less calories;
  • has a low glycemic level (GI = 25-39);
  • prevents an increase in blood glucose;
  • suitable for diabetics and people who follow a gluten-free diet;
  • according to customer reviews, the product is of excellent quality at an affordable price.


  • individual intolerance to Goji berries.

Russian classic chocolate "Inspiration"

Undoubtedly, the most popular chocolate is the Vdohnovenie chocolate product. Manufacturer: Russia. Modern concern them.Babaeva preserved all the traditions and recipes for making chocolate, which was created by Alexey Abrikosov (founder of the candy factory in 1880).). Produced in original packaging weighing 100 grams. Average price: 159 rubles.

chocolate "Inspiration"


  • natural Russian product;
  • refined taste;
  • pleasant texture;
  • 53.2% cocoa powder, hazelnuts (crushed kernel), vanillin, sugar and cognac;
  • contains substances useful for the body;
  • cheers up and brings pleasure;
  • stimulates brain activity;
  • gives strength;
  • positive reviews;
  • value for money.


  • not.

Choosing chocolate: selection criteria

Before you buy a bar of chocolate, in order for it to be of high quality and really please with its taste, you need to take into account a number of points:

  1. Study the composition of the product, which is indicated on the product label. Good quality chocolate should be free of palm oil and lauric acid.
  2. There should be no minor impurities (main ingredients cocoa, sugar, butter).
  3. We take into account the amount of fat: with an increased amount of them, the chocolate bar will have a minimum shelf life.
  4. Be sure to note for ourselves the shelf life of the product (we give preference to a shorter period).
  5. Take into account the individual characteristics of your body and taste preferences (allergic predisposition, intolerance to some components of the chocolate product, diabetes or celiac disease).
  6. We evaluate the color of the sweet product: natural, fresh and of high quality has a uniform shade and a glossy surface (without white bloom).
  7. Pay attention to the consistency of the product: it should break with a slight crack, not crumble. Lingering chocolate indicates the presence of additives and a small amount of cocoa powder. Good chocolate melts gradually in the hands, and faster in the mouth, without causing sticky plaque on the teeth.
  8. Taste shade of quality chocolate: pleasant and full-bodied.
  9. Pay attention to the cost: the product should not be very cheap. A quality product has a decent price tag.

According to Rospotrebnadzor of Russia, a bitter product must have at least 54% of the remainder of the cocoa raw material in dry mass and 32% of cocoa butter. Dark chocolate - 41% (21% cocoa butter).

Soy lecithin (0.5% of the total weight) is allowed in the composition of sweet products, which helps to bind water (traces of moisture contained in sugar crystals) and cocoa butter.

A high-quality product should contain vanilla or its other analogs as a flavoring agent. A certain shelf life is allowed: from 12 to 18 months.

Chocolate can lose color, aroma, flavor, texture when exposed to low temperatures when stored in the refrigerator. Better to store at room temperature in a cool place.

Do you have your favorite chocolate !? Tell us about it in the comments.


  1. Leonid

    I liked the article very much and described everything in detail. I like ritter sport chocolate the most, as it has a delicate taste and compact size, which makes it easy to carry with you.


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