Which Stevia is the Best Best Breeders for 2024


The staff of the editorial staff of "Ya Nash" continues to gradually eliminate harmful products from their daily menu, replacing them with more useful analogs as part of their own experimental program "Healthy Diet". At a certain stage, we got to sugar.

According to the recommendations of nutritionists and doctors, the intake of sugar for an adult is no more than 5 teaspoons per day.

It is immediately clear that most of us, with rare exceptions, exceed the recommended rate from day to day. Sometimes a hopelessly ruined day, going awry from the very morning, can be corrected by a mere trifle - a cup of aromatic sweet coffee, a "cake" or a piece of homemade pastries. And then there are pseudo-natural packaged juices that many start their day with. The average sugar content in them ranges from 4 to 8 (!) Teaspoons per 200 ml, that is, per glass. By the way: the sugar content of Coca-Cola is 5 teaspoons of sugar per glass of drink. The exceptions are tomato and carrot juice - there are only about 2.5 teaspoons of sugar per 200 ml of the drink.

On the one hand, sugar stabilizes the nervous system, normalizes blood circulation and stimulates the spinal cord and brain, even helps the liver - in moderation. It’s just with the latter that bad luck comes out, because it’s difficult to stop in time and not overeat, gradually getting a lot of problems: bad teeth, the risk of developing obesity, decreased immunity and other "bonuses" of constant consumption of sweets.

Natural sweetness without carbohydrates

Stevia is a great sugar alternative that more than compensates for the lack of sugar in the diet and benefits the body. The comparative table will clearly demonstrate this.

                                      Composition in 100 g of product Sugar Stevia
Protein 0 0
Fats 0 0
Carbohydrates 99,7 0,1
Calorie content 400 18
Glycemic index 75 * 0


* The maximum value of the glycemic index should not exceed 60 units, ideally 55 units. Regular excess of the norm over 70 units leads to a violation of the production of insulin by the pancreas and the development of diabetes mellitus.

At the same time, the carbohydrates contained in sugar in huge quantities are fast, that is, they are broken down instantly, increasing the blood glucose level several times in relation to the permissible level.

In addition, granulated sugar does not contain any nutrients. Stevia, or sugar herb, is a source of bioflavonoids, which boost immunity and strengthen the body, and steviosides, which provide a sweet taste. They are 100-200 times sweeter than sugar (depending on the part of the plant), but they are essential sugars that do not have glucose in their composition.

The benefits and harms of stevia

The steviosides contained in the "sugar herb" are indicated for use even by people suffering from diabetes mellitus as an absolutely safe sugar substitute. The plant also contains vitamins A, C, D, E, minerals, pectins and amino acids, which are retained even after the herb is extracted and dried. Therefore, stevia is not just a sugar substitute in tea, coffee and confectionery, but also a biologically active additive. It can and should be used:

  • with diabetes - reduces insulin resistance, normalizing blood sugar;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • to normalize hormonal levels - the steviosides contained in the "sugar grass" not only give it a sweet taste, but also treat hormonal disorders in both men and women;
  • for the prevention of caries and periodontal disease;
  • to restore joints and treat inflammatory processes in them;
  • to normalize the work of the liver, digestive tract organs, cardiovascular system;
  • with diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • to improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair - bioflavonoids have a regenerating effect, slowing down the aging process;
  • for the prevention of oncological diseases - the steviol molecules contained in the leaves of the plant cause apoptosis (self-destruction) of cancer cells.

Harm "honey grass" can inflict only in one case - if there is an individual intolerance to this plant.

In the EU countries, Canada and the United States, "sugar grass" has been banned for consumption in its pure form, lobbying the interests of corporations that produce sugar. Any research of this plant is also prohibited, so that information about its usefulness does not raise a logical question among the population: why is a plant with such valuable properties prohibited for use?

In the countries of South America, in Japan and even in the Soviet Union, they learned about the beneficial properties of stevia back in the twentieth century. The seeds of this plant were safely exported from the countries of South America and are successfully grown in Indonesia, Brazil and Israel. However, in the USSR, this plant was not grown and was imported in limited quantities, being available only to the ruling elite and cultural bohemians: artists and cultural figures. Today this magical herb is safely grown in the Crimea and in the Krasnodar Territory, not inferior in terms of usefulness to the "indigenous resident" of Paraguay. It is absolutely safe, does not contain harmful substances and does not cause addiction with prolonged or constant use.

Which stevia is better

A natural question arises: where can you get this magic sugar substitute and which one is better to buy?

Stevia is released in a variety of ways. An overview of the best brands of manufacturers that produce sweeteners in different forms was compiled in 2024 by the editorial staff of the site based on personally tested products from different manufacturers:

  1. Dried stems and leaves. This form of release - one of the most "natural", does not contain anything other than the leaves and stems of the plant dried in natural conditions. A kilogram of a dried plant can be purchased at a price from 1,000 to 2,500 thousand rubles, depending on the country of origin. This volume will be enough for a long time - one pinch of "honey grass" is enough for making a healthy and sweet drink, 2 teaspoons dissolved in 50 ml of warm water is enough for making desserts and homemade cakes. Dried plants can be ground into a powder yourself using a blender or coffee grinder for easier handling.
  2. Syrup. The second most natural form of release, since it contains only stevia dissolved in glycerin, water or alcohol solution, without additional sweeteners, flavors and other chemical additives of unknown purpose. The syrups are obtained by purifying and extracting the plant on a water or glycerin basis. However, it is not always convenient to take them with you when necessary, for example, on a trip or to a cafe.
  3. Filter packages. In this form of release, "honey herb" is used as a herbal tea, which will be a healthier and more tasty alternative to regular tea. One filter bag is enough to prepare 1 cup of tea from 200 to 300 ml.
  4. Pills. Contain crushed and pressed stems and leaves of a plant, or a compressed extract-extract from them.
  5. Crystalline powder. This form of release contains a concentrate of extracts from the plant. A small sachet bag replaces 2-3 tablespoons of granulated sugar.

In what form to buy "honey grass" is a matter of individual preferences and the way of its use.To understand the difference between these or those forms of release, the staff of the editorial office "I found" tested all types of plant packaging from different manufacturers, focusing on the following selection criteria:

  • The amount of the main component in relation to other components. The less components of non-natural origin in the composition of the sweetener, the better. Some manufacturers significantly dilute the composition, including chemical sweeteners or natural ones, but based on fructose. The latter does not contain carbohydrates, but it is saturated with fatty acids, the regular use of which leads to disruptions in the work of the cardiovascular system and liver, and in the future - to obesity. The best producers, who care about reputation, subject the plant to minimal processing, not including foreign components in its composition. This is how the composition of a quality sweetener will look like:

Stevia comes first - which means that it is the main constituent of the sweetener.

  • Method of processing and auxiliary substances used in its process. The plant has to be fermented due to the bitter aftertaste that some of the glycosides it contains. Final cleaning removes bitterness from the product without changing its beneficial properties. Unscrupulous growers use a multi-stage system of treating a plant with chemical reagents that are harmful to health, as a result of which a useful product turns into its complete opposite.

Taking into account these two conditions, a rating of quality sweeteners based on "honey grass" was compiled.

Crimean stevia

The favorable climate of Crimea contributes to the cultivation of this useful crop, the homeland of which was originally South America. Types of products:

  1. Dried leaves and stems of the plant. The average price for 100 g will be from 150 to 200 rubles. The cost of a volume of 1 kg will be from 1,400 rubles.
  2. Filter bags with herbal tea. Before packing, the stevia leaves are cleaned, as a result of which the bitter taste of the product disappears. The drink has a refreshing, sweet taste, with a slight “chill” aftertaste remaining on the tongue. The average cost of a package with 20 filter bags will be from 80 to 120 rubles.
  3. Syrup in a ratio of 55 to 45, where 55 is purified water. Does not contain alcohol. It is enough to add 3-4 drops to tea or coffee and 1 to 1.5 teaspoons to homemade baked goods instead of sugar.
  4. Tablets are crushed and compressed leaves and stems of a plant.
Crimean stevia


  • No additives, flavors or fragrances;
  • Economical consumption;
  • Syrup without glycerin and alcohol;
  • All forms of release are suitable for diabetics.


  • When added to confectionery and desserts, a solution based on dried leaves and tablets will have to be filtered in order to avoid getting stems and leaves into the dishes;
  • The dried product may taste bitter;
  • According to buyers, a kilogram of dried grass is ultimately more expensive than a bag of granulated sugar.


High purity stevia extract, 350 times sweeter than sugar. As a sweetness regulator, the composition contains erythritol, a natural sweetener with a zero glycemic index, recommended for use in diabetes mellitus. It is presented in three forms:

  1. Powder. The product has earned positive reviews from both buyers and doctors, despite the rather multi-stage production and cleaning process. However, during the examination, no traces of mutagenic or chemical substances and impurities were found in the composition. Types of packaging:
  • At the bank - the average price for 150 g will be from 300 to 350 rubles,
  • In a sachet - the cost of a package with 100 sachets will be from 500 to 600 rubles;
  1. In cubes. The composition is identical to the powder - extract from leaves and stems of stevia with the addition of erythritol.
  2. Pills. This form of release, as they say, "pumped up" and is given here only as a warning to save our readers from mistakes when choosing this form of sweetener. Of the obvious shortcomings:
  • Not very "correct" composition (maltodextrin - a derivative of glucose, which increases blood sugar, and magnesium stearate - a semi-toxic substance that kills healthy cells in the body). These substances are used to crystallize and compress the powder.
  • Very poor dispenser, crushing tablets;
  • Complaints about a very noticeable bitterness during the testing of these tablets.

Important! There are no complaints about the composition of other forms of release from this manufacturer.

Stevia cubes - I am Stevia


  • Inexpensive;
  • Economically consumed;
  • Cubes are more familiar, do not require dosage calculations.


  • Available only in online stores.


Growing country - Paraguay. Does not contain additives. Issued:

  1. Dried: 100 g, 500 g and 1 kg;
  2. Powdered in sachet bags. One 0.2g sachet replaces 2 teaspoons of sugar at zero glycemic index. The package contains 100 sachets.
  3. In tablets.


  • Paraguay is the birthplace of "sugar grass", with old, time-tested technologies for its cultivation, collection and procurement;
  • Sasha is easy and convenient to use;
  • Can be added to drinks and used in desserts;
  • The average price of a pack of 100 sachets is from 300 to 450 rubles per pack;
  • The best reviews from buyers and experts.


  • Available only in online stores, delivery cost is added to the price, on average - from 200 rubles.
  • The high cost of a dried plant is 2.000 rubles per 1 kg, or 270 rubles per 100 g.


Release form - syrup. Enriched with natural additional components that have a healing effect on the body:

  • Oregano is a natural antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory agent;
  • Peppermint - for bloating and stomach cramps;
  • Extract from pine and spruce needles - antiseptic, immunomodulator, restores microflora, heals erosive damage to internal tissues;
  • Apple pectin - removes toxins, toxins and heavy metals from the body.

The vial is equipped with a good dispenser that allows you to conveniently measure the required amount of liquid.

Fitolon syrup


  • It is indicated for diabetes, dysbiosis, obesity;
  • Recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Economical consumption.


  • The glass vial is inconvenient to take with you if necessary;
  • The average price for a volume of 250 ml is from 400 to 550 rubles.


Release form - syrup. In the composition: pectin as an enterosorbent, molasses and citric acid, which neutralize the bitter aftertaste characteristic of stevia leaves.

Phytocoma Stevia Syrup


  • The additives present are natural, do not distort the taste of the product; it can be added to drinks, pastries, desserts and other dishes;
  • The average price for a volume of 100 ml is from 130 to 160 rubles;
  • Suitable for diabetics;
  • Non-alcoholic.


  • You can buy only in the online store, directly at the outlet is not in the range.


Available in two types: powder and tablets.

Important! The tablets were not selected due to the presence of the chemical sweetener aspartame (designated as E 951) in them, which, when ingested, breaks down into toxic components.

The toxic properties increase when heated, so it is better not to add these tablets to tea, coffee or baked goods. Of course, the dose of this component in the composition of the tablets is extremely small, but with regular use, the substance tends to accumulate in the body.

The powder from this manufacturer contains only stevia extract and erythritol.

NovaSweet Stevia Powder


  • Doesn't taste bitter;
  • Economical consumption.


  • You will have to adjust to the dosage, otherwise the drink or dish will become sugary-sweet.

Better Stevia

Release forms:

  1. Syrup. Stevia dissolved in glycerin. Suitable for adding to tea, coffee, desserts and baked goods. This brand produces sweeteners in different versions: with the taste of French vanilla, cinnamon and vanilla, dark chocolate, lemon zest, etc.Natural ingredients give the syrups a flavorful touch: lemon peel oil, cocoa butter, cinnamon powder. Glycerin and alcohol act here as preservatives, increasing the shelf life of the product (60 ml is enough for a period of 6 to 12 months, depending on the use).
  2. Powder. The extract of "honey grass" purified, with isolated rebaudioside - the sweetest of the glycosides contained in the plant.
Better Stevia


  • Can be used for desserts and homemade cakes;
  • The dark plastic vial does not add weight, ensures the safety of the liquid;
  • Economical consumption of all forms of release.


  • Not suitable for diabetic patients due to glycerin and alcohol in the composition.


Dried and crushed stevia in filter bags. You can brew in hot water for a few minutes or infuse in cold water for 1-2 hours for a refreshing and delicious drink.

Vitachai herbal tea stevia


  • Only stevia leaves in the composition, no additives;
  • Available at the pharmacy.


  • Average price - from 130 rubles for 20 filter bags.


The Malaysian manufacturer Pure Circle offers fermented stevia extract in crystalline powder form. The coefficient of sweetness in relation to granulated sugar is 150 units.

Sweta stevia


  • Calorieless;
  • Doesn't taste bitter;
  • Can be added to drinks and pastries;
  • Economical - ¼ teaspoon replaces 2 teaspoons of granulated sugar.


  • The average price is 1,000 rubles for 250 g.

Sugar substitutes based on stevia and "sugar grass" in dried form can become valuable helpers in the fight against obesity, replace granulated sugar and its derivatives and heal the body, protecting it from diseases, filling it with strength and energy. Small green leaves with white inflorescences are a real gift from nature for those who love themselves and their bodies and want to stay young and healthy for many years.


  1. Vera

    A very useful and useful article. Many are unaware of the existence of such a sweet herb. I live in the middle lane and last summer in the garden I grew two stevia bushes from seeds. I thought to keep the bushes in the winter, but it didn't work out. I dried stevia, but I don’t know how to use it, so I decided to search the Internet, and I came across your article. We need to talk more and more often about stevia, many could grow on their plots and use it without harm to health. Thank you very much!


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