Being young and attractive without plastic surgery is not a fairy tale. Some people prove this for themselves, showing amazing memory, body flexibility and leading an active lifestyle in retirement age. Some argue that this is just luck and they just have good conditions for existence. However, the whole secret is in proper nutrition. If you look at their diet, it turns out that 80% of the foods there contain zinc, which has a beneficial effect on the body.
The editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of the best vitamins with zinc for 2024.
A brief excursion into history
The benefits of zinc have been proven by hundreds of scientists. In ancient Egypt, priests used this element in conjunction with copper to make cylinders that will help communicate with the gods and indicate sore spots on the body. In the 21st century, this will seem supernatural, but the doctor of medical sciences from the Research Institute of Emergency Medicine named after S. Janelidze proved the healing properties of this method. The skin became more attractive, the metabolic processes in the body improved, and the life expectancy increased by 3 times. If commoners lived up to 30 years, then the average duration for the pharaohs was 80-90 years.
In addition to Egypt, zinc was also used by the Chinese as a remedy. Here, its application allowed a person to look more beautiful: the hair became thicker, the nails did not break, and the skin did not peel off.
Now zinc is used in vitamins for children and adults. It is impossible to imagine a single remedy for acne, where it would not be written: "+ Zinc". Once in the body, it begins to interact with each element, improving blood circulation.
Beneficial features
The main role of zinc is in the production of proteins and DNA. It helps fight viruses and bacteria that enter the body, improves the digestive system, promotes faster wound healing and regulates hormone production.
For normal functioning, a man needs 15 mg of zinc per day, a woman 12 mg. However, these numbers are applicable only for an adult organism. The older generation has a daily requirement 2-3 times higher. The place of work and what kind of emotional and physical stress a person is exposed to is also taken into account.
Zinc deficiency and what is the reason
To maintain a healthy lifestyle, it is important to maintain normal levels of the substance. Most often, the elderly suffer from zinc deficiency, because it is not supplied enough or absorption takes longer than it should be.
Symptoms of a lack of this substance include:
- resistance to infectious diseases decreases;
- the rate of wound healing increases;
- skin diseases: rash, eczema, acne;
- a person does not feel taste and smells poorly.
Lack of zinc leads to stunted growth, night blindness, and ulcers form in the oral cavity, and due to white plaque on the tongue, bad breath worsens.There is also testicular atrophy.
Common diseases due to zinc deficiency
Since this element plays a key role in the proper functioning of the body, if it is lacking, doctors immediately prescribe a dietary supplement based on zinc. Diseases where taking this substance - the main course of treatment - include:
- Acne. Specialists prescribe dietary supplements that are consumed within 12 weeks.
- Influenza, ARVI. The substance is capable of destroying viruses that cause colds. Lollipops are used in the treatment.
- The use of zinc in the form of dietary supplements helps to improve memory, which will help with Alzheimer's disease.
- It helps people with diabetes, because the element regulates the amount of insulin in the blood and is involved in its formation.
- Rheumatoid arthritis. The disease progresses if a person is found to be deficient in this substance. After the first week of taking dietary supplements, patients have a positive effect.
Rating of quality products for children under 14 years old
GrossHertz Multivitamin A to Zinc # 30
This product is an example of the balance of quality and quantity of natural substances. The ingredients have a positive effect on the growth of the immune system, strengthen bones, improve memory and have a positive effect on metabolism.
Vitamins are manufactured in accordance with European GMP standards. During the production process, each element is tested, which allows you to find out the possible consequences of an increase in the daily rate and reduce the occurrence of side effects to zero.
The complex contains only those substances that are useful for a child aged 3 to 7 years. It is important to take pills according to the instructions, then each element will be absorbed and the child will not get sick.
Dispensed without a doctor's prescription. For 3-year-old children, the norm is 1 tablet 2 times a day with meals. There are no contraindications, except for the general intolerance to the components. Shelf life is 2 years.
Sold at an average price - 245 rubles.
- positive effect on the immune system;
- wide complex;
- value for money;
- produced in accordance with European standards;
- no negative consequences.
- not identified.
"Be-be-bears" vitamin C and zinc No. 90
Dietary supplements recommended for use during a flu epidemic. The method of application is simple, since the drug is produced in the form of chewing plates. Taking vitamins strengthens the immune system, and also increases the resistance of the child's body to viruses and infections. Suitable for children from 3 to 14 years old.
The product does not contain colorants or fragrances. The composition contains only natural ingredients: sugar, pectin, glucose, E330 additive (citric acid), vitamin C and zinc.
Vitamins were developed by Russian scientists. Contraindications for use - violation of carbon metabolism. Therefore, before starting the course of treatment, it is important to consult a specialist. The duration of treatment is 1 month. Method of application - 1 chewing plate 2 times a day during meals.
The average cost is 298 rubles. Sold in colorful packaging.
- convenient way of receiving;
- colorful packaging;
- records that taste good;
- made from natural ingredients.
- not detected.
Verrum-Vit tab. No. 30
Vitamin complex of Russian production, which contributes to the correct growth of all organs, improves vision and minimizes the occurrence of mental illness, thanks to which the child learns to read, write and speak faster, and also becomes resistant to infectious diseases.
The product contains: calcium carbonate to strengthen bones, magnesium oxide, ascorbic acid, zinc citrate, potassium iodate, copper citrate, riboflavin, etc. These elements make the complex a universal remedy for prevention.
No side effects were observed during the entire sales period.
It is consumed with meals as a dietary supplement. Designed for children 3-7 years old. Contains vitamins of all groups and is a source of calcium and beta-carotene. Contraindications have not been identified, except for individual intolerance.
Method of application - 1 tablet 1-2 times a day with meals. The tablet must be thoroughly chewed so that microorganisms and nutrients are better absorbed in the body. Stored at room temperature for 720 days. Dispensed without a doctor's prescription. Manufacturer - Vneshtorg Pharma.
The average cost is 235 rubles.
- quality active supplements;
- good assimilation by the child's body;
- without side effects;
- low price;
- proven manufacturer.
- not detected.
Blueberry forte with zinc tab. 250mg No. 50
Vitamins with Zn and blueberry extract will improve your child's eyesight. The minimum age for consumption is 3 years. Produced by the popular Russian pharmaceutical company "Evalar", which has established itself in the market as safe and effective.
The product is a dietary supplement with a complex of vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the eyes: expand the field, reduce fatigue, develop twilight vision, and accelerate retinal regeneration. Zinc protects the organ from exposure to bright light and also supports the physiological function of the eyes.
Even if a child spends hours with a tablet or smartphone, this drug will protect him from the negative effects of artificial light in poor natural light.
Scientists conducted a study, as a result of which it was found that blueberry not only strengthens the visual apparatus and improves vision, but is also able to prevent retinal detachment. The preparation contains dozens of vitamins and beneficial microorganisms.
It is recommended to use as a general tonic for the prevention or in case of symptoms of eye disease.
Before using it, a general consultation with an ophthalmologist is required. The course of treatment is 2-4 months with the possibility of a break for 10 days. Method of application: for children from 3 years old - 1 tablet 1-2 times a day, over 12 - 2 tablets. 2 times a day. Not recommended for people with an allergic reaction to blueberry extract. Storage occurs at room temperature - 2 years for capsules, 3 years for tablets.
Sold at a price of 116 rubles.
- efficiency;
- relieves eye fatigue;
- low cost;
- famous brand;
- good taste.
- not detected.
ZdravCity 900 mg No. 30
Another effective complex remedy, only intended for children from 7 years old. It comes in the form of chewable tablets, so it's even tastier and easier to use.
The formulation has been designed for use by children aged 7-14 years only. It includes 13 vitamins that will strengthen every cell in the body, and 10 minerals - for proper growth and development. The complex contains beta-carotene, which has the best adaptogenic properties and stimulates the immune system. The product contains substances that will strengthen teeth, bones, improve cell metabolism and mental state, which is important for a student.
Taking Zdravsiti vitamins develops intellectual abilities, so the child will learn new things faster and more willingly. The complex contains only useful and natural elements that have proven themselves in hundreds of preparations. However, before use, it is important to consult with a specialist in order to identify possible individual intolerance.
Natural raspberry and cherry flavors are used to enhance the taste. Used as a dietary supplement. Method of application for children over 7 years old - 1 table. per day, while it is necessary to chew it thoroughly. Storage in room conditions reaches 2 years.
The minimum cost is 168 rubles.
- good manufacturer;
- low price;
- contains only natural ingredients;
- contains 13 vitamins and 10 minerals;
- improves well-being and promotes mental development.
- individual intolerance.
Top 5 vitamins with zinc for adults
Zinc Picolinate caps. No. 60
Vitamins are intended for use by adults (over 18 years old). Available in capsules and used with meals. It is recommended for people with zinc deficiency, since this element is the most in the composition. Directions for use: 1 capsule per day.
It is not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as for people who have individual intolerance to the components.
The drug is produced by the American company NOW, which is popular in European countries and has won the trust of a million users. Before the release of the goods on the world sale, the tablets are tested, and only after passing the tests they go to the shelves. The capsules are stored at room temperature (25 degrees) out of the reach of children. Dispensed without a doctor's prescription. The shelf life is 3 years.
Sold at a price of 500 rubles.
- best quality;
- convenient way of application;
- no side effects;
- proven firm.
- not detected.
Vitamin C, Selenium, Zinc tab. spike. No. 20
An excellent remedy for those who are zinc deficient. Thanks to the convenient method of use, the elements are absorbed faster in the body, so a person gets a positive result after a week of use.
In addition to Zn, the composition contains selenium, which is one of the strongest antioxidants and has anti-aging properties. The skin will always look fresh and youthful. The use of this drug will protect a person from infectious diseases, heart disease, and in some cases prevent the formation of tumors.
The next component in the main composition is vitamin C. Its main task is to prevent oxidative damage to cells and cholesterol. It helps restore vitamin E and increases glutathione levels so cells won't age and die quickly.
Vitamin reduces the risk of heart disease.
Contraindications are the same as for the previous drug. Method of application - a tablet a day for a month. Available without a prescription. Expiration date - 1,095 days.
The average cost is 105 rubles.
- the packaging does not damage the tablets and is easy to transport;
- an excellent remedy for prevention;
- good efficiency;
- low price;
- tastes like an orange, which is pleasant when consumed;
- German quality.
- not identified.
Verrum-Vit. No. 30 for adults
Vitamin and mineral complex of Russian production, focused on adults. Helps to strengthen health, restore normal metabolism, enrich cells with useful substances and increase mental stability during stressful work.
The complex contains dozens of vitamins and minerals that are easily absorbed by the body. The product does not contain harmful colorants and fragrances, which makes its use safe even for a sensitive organism. Does not cause side effects. It is used without prior consultation with a doctor. Application - one tablet twice a day for a month.
Sold at a price of 180 rubles.
- minimum price;
- efficiency;
- no side effects;
- natural composition.
- not detected.
"Nature's Bounty" Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc tab. No. 100
Expensive, high quality tablets containing the best vitamins and minerals that have a positive effect on the body. Replenishes the deficiency of biologically active substances: vitamin D, Ca, Mg, Zn. The composition includes high-quality elements that provide the body with reliable protection for a long period after use. Can be used by lactating and pregnant women, but only under medical supervision. Application - a tablet per day for 31 days.
Sold at a price of 700 rubles.
- convenient to take;
- quality composition;
- the price is lower than that of some similar drugs;
- large packaging.
- not detected.
Doppelgertz v.i.p. 930 mg No. 30
An excellent remedy to restore the former elasticity of the skin. The effectiveness of these vitamins has been proven by tens of thousands of women. Vitamins are often recommended by eminent doctors as the main source - hyaluronic acid, which ensures proper transport of water throughout the body. Part of Zn is essential for the normal functioning of every cell.
Cannot be used by pregnant or nursing mothers.
Before starting the course, consultation with a specialist is required. Directions for use - two capsules twice a day.
The average cost is 822 rubles.
- branded drug;
- recommended by many experts;
- the composition contains useful substances that contribute to skin rejuvenation;
- efficiency.
- not identified.
It is important to take care of the body from an early age, because it is easy to destroy the correct metabolism and reduce immunity, and to restore it will take a lot of money and effort. If you have experience with the use of vitamins with Zn, described in the rating, or more interesting representatives, tell us about it in the comments.