There are many beautiful cities in Russia that delight their residents with both rich infrastructure development, excellent ecological environment, and favorable conditions for life. However, there are also such settlements, the inhabitants of which are ready to immediately leave them.
The editors of the site "" have prepared for you the TOP of the worst cities in Russia for 2024.
Largest cities (population over 1 million people)
In the 19th century Chelyabinsk was the largest trade center of the Urals, and during the Great Patriotic War it was rightfully called one of the main industrial centers. Today it has many problems, among which the following can be distinguished:
- Bad ecological environment. The huge number of industrial plants located within the city limits greatly contributes to air pollution. About 20 institutions are discharged into the Miass River, so swimming in it is not recommended. In addition, due to negative environmental conditions, among the residents there are a large number of patients with cancer, as well as patients with chronic diseases of the respiratory system.
- High crime rate. If in the central part of the city people are mostly friendly and take care of their appearance, then on the outskirts there are many who like to drink and take drugs. In addition, the border with Kazakhstan lies nearby, from where drug couriers constantly come.
- Landscaping problems. To widen the roads along the sides, trees are cut down, as a result of which the city is gradually losing its former beauty.
- Reduction of the pedestrian part. In some places, the sidewalks are so narrow that women with strollers or people in wheelchairs can hardly walk on them.
- Difficulty crossing the road. Crossing the road in Chelyabinsk is sometimes completely unsafe. Drivers do not let pedestrians pass, the duration of the green light signal is very short, and there is also a complete absence of safety islands.
- Street cleaning. The situation with snow removal on the streets is also very bad, which is why a lot of mud and puddles appear in the spring. In addition, due to pollution or the absence of storm sewers, in summer Chelyabinsk is in most cases flooded after rain, as a result of which it is rather problematic for people to get to the right place, including to medical institutions.
- The city has a large number of tuberculosis and HIV-positive patients.
Among the most pressing problems are the following:
- Air. Residents of Krasnoyarsk can only dream of a breath of good clean air. Large industrial plants litter it at an alarming rate.
- Water. Hazardous elements such as lead or zinc are released into the water. Treatment of waste water from factories, factories and sewage is also not very productive. As a result, the quality of fresh water deteriorates significantly.In addition to the release of polluted wastewater, they also have insufficient cooling, which causes the death of the ecosystem of water bodies.
- Soil and forests. Soil contamination occurs in two ways - by direct contact with the source (when poisonous substances are released), and also when poisons get through the air. After all, they are much heavier and capable of sinking to the ground. Thus, the land cover contains lead, zinc and other heavy metals.
Among the main disadvantages of the city, the following should be noted:
- Bad roads. In Omsk, in most cases, patching is performed. In the private sector, the roads are primed. In the spring, the pits that appear on the roads significantly impede the movement of buses and trolleybuses, which often get stuck in them.
- Traffic jams. The number of road transport is growing every day, while roads are sorely lacking. Since there is no metro in Omsk, residents are forced to move exclusively by ground transport - buses, trams, trolleybuses, fixed-route taxis. This contributes to the formation of huge traffic jams, thereby hindering traffic.
- Bad ecological environment. There are, of course, beaches, but swimming in local waters is strictly prohibited. In the Chkalovsky settlement there is a Soot Plant and a TPP-5, which regularly emit chemicals into the atmosphere. The Leninsky District has a poultry farm, which makes it impossible to leave the windows in apartments located in the Moskovka-2 microdistrict open. Kirovsky and Central regions suffer from an unfavorable environmental situation due to the huge number of cars;
- Low wages and lack of places in kindergarten;
- Due to the shortage of pediatricians, therapists and highly specialized doctors, specialists are forced to work simultaneously in government agencies and private medical institutions.
The most pressing problems of the city are the following:
- Climatic conditions. Since Yekaterinburg is the capital of the Urals, the climate here is quite unique and sometimes even completely unpredictable. Winter can begin almost from the end of October and last until April. Summer can also start quite late and sometimes not even please with sun and warmth. People who have come from the West of Russia find it very difficult to adapt to such weather changes. However, despite the fact that these are truly harsh conditions, locals are gradually learning to choose their wardrobe in order to enjoy their walks.
- Industry. Yekaterinburg is one of the largest industrial centers, in particular, metallurgical. A whole host of problems arise from this - air pollution, bad roads and entire industrial areas. At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this, but the regularly smoking chimneys of factories do not have a completely positive effect on the atmosphere.
- Traffic jams. It is the main problem of the city. The region is home to a fairly large number of motorists who categorically refuse to change to the metro and public transport. Even if the work is very close to home, according to some sources, the main reason for this behavior is the direct climatic conditions and the lack of desire to "crowd" in public transport.
Along with all the indisputable advantages that this large capital city gives, it is necessary to take into account the disadvantages of living, which include the following points:
- Many people. Wherever you are - in a store, on the street or in the subway, you will always be chased by a crowd. Thousands of suffering people arrive in the capital every day, the population is growing steadily.
- The high cost of housing. Just exorbitant prices for renting a home or buying it.Undoubtedly, the cost of a one-room apartment in the capital will be much higher than in the regions, and therefore the bulk of the earnings will be spent on paying off rental housing or paying a mortgage loan, since not everyone can immediately afford to buy housing in the capital.
- High cost of living. Inflated prices are not only for living in Moscow, but also for food, travel and various types of services. Although this aspect should be correlated with the level of salaries. And in many non-capital regions this ratio is much more "deplorable" than in the capital.
- A large number of swindlers and scammers. Theft of a wallet or documents, cheating in a store are far from rare phenomena in the city. Therefore, you should always be on the lookout. Also, when applying for the provision of services of a particular company, the first thing to do is to carefully study the information about it and read the reviews, so as not to run into fraudulent actions.
- Incredible rhythm of life. Undoubtedly, all this is not for everybody, but if a person is used to leading a calm and measured life, then Moscow will simply knock him out of a rut. Of course, over time you can get used to it, but the movement itself starts to strain a little.
- Long distances. They entail both additional expenses for the cost of movement (getting to work, taking the child to kindergarten or school), and wasting additional time, since in some cases it can take several hours, especially if there are traffic jams on the roads.
Large cities (population from 250 thousand to 1 million people)
The downsides include a number of factors:
- Ecological environment. Sufficiently large-scale chemical enterprises are located not only within the city district, but also have outdated purification systems that are unable to cope with heavy loads. Therefore, residents are forced to constantly breathe in the emissions of these enterprises. The result of this is an increase in the number of various types of pathologies (miscarriages, asthma, allergic rhinitis).
- Unemployment and low wages. The instability of the city's economic situation entails a massive layoff of workers. This increases the percentage of the unemployed who are ready to work for the smallest pay.
- Low prospects for small business development. Due to the large outflow of the population and a decrease in the purchasing power of citizens, novice businessmen are unable to survive on the market for trade services, and the rest are forced to close altogether.
- Inaction of the city administration. The city is dirty, unkempt, landscaping of parks and courtyards leaves much to be desired. Lack of budgetary funds leads to the fact that buildings and places in need of repair work are in a deplorable state for a long time, gradually continuing to collapse.
Despite all the advantages, the city also has a number of significant disadvantages:
- Low level of wages. There is no shortage of jobs, but in most cases they are offered a ridiculous salary. Jobs with more decent earnings are extremely rare.
- Narrowed roads and their condition. The roadbed almost everywhere leaves much to be desired, since only patching is carried out in the city. In addition, Saratov is characterized by an increased level of groundwater, which leads to periodic subsidence of asphalt in the city center. Even new neighborhoods are equipped with only two-lane highways, and there are no transport junctions at all. All this causes the appearance of large traffic jams;
- Mud. There is a problem with trash cans in the city; quite often they are so overflowing that garbage is lying around them and blown through the streets by the wind.
- The problem with queues to kindergartens. Despite the fact that there are enough kindergartens in the city, they are sorely lacking places. To assign a child to a kindergarten, residents are forced to contact the Ministry of Education and the prosecutor's office.
Despite the existing advantages of living in Irkutsk, the city has, of course, a number of significant disadvantages:
- Climate. The climatic conditions are quite severe. It is not for nothing that in the old days, living in the city was considered a harsh punishment. The climate is sharply continental, with large temperature drops. It is very cold there in winter and unbearable heat in summer. In addition, regardless of the season, the city periodically suffers from powerful snowfalls and torrential rains. Utilities are not able to cope with the riot of the elements. During snowfalls, train traffic is completely blocked, and on the roads there is a complete collapse. If the weather brings heavy rains, then a real flood is formed on the roads, since it is quite difficult for the sewage system to resist the flow of water;
- Earthquakes. Extremely increased seismic activity was observed in the city due to the close location of Lake Baikal. Earthquakes occur at least once a month. Tremors with a power of 2-3 points very often terrify beginners. However, local residents have long been accustomed to such a phenomenon and have stopped paying attention to it.
Among the factors that negatively affect living in the city are the following:
- Deterioration of the ecological environment associated with the peak of economic and territorial development. A huge number of vehicles, the construction of new roads, the operation of thermal power plants significantly increase the level of environmental pollution, bringing it to a critical level.
- Climate. The climatic conditions in the city are quite harsh, so it is very difficult for most residents to adapt to it, as well as to endure temperature drops.
- Insects In the summer, a huge number of insects are observed to attack, associated with swampy areas.
- The high cost of housing. Housing prices are quite high and not everyone can afford it.
- Traffic jams. On the streets very often there are many traffic jams, stretching for several kilometers. In addition, the capacity of the bridges suffers from heavy load, which is especially pronounced in the central part.
- Rapid development. This factor directly affects the overcrowding of schools and kindergartens, as a result of which it is very difficult for parents to arrange a child in an educational institution.
- Lack of medical facilities. Since there are sorely lack of polyclinics, in honey. institutions are constantly lining up long lines.
Among the most pressing shortcomings, attention should be paid to the following factors:
- Unfavorable meteorological conditions. It is very difficult for people suffering from high blood pressure to be in Stavropol. This is due to the fact that the location is much higher than sea level (about 650 meters). Residents with high blood pressure are also quite problematic to be in the city, since the almost "mountainous" atmosphere "will certainly add a few nuances to poor health.
- Low wages. Although the level of salaries in the region is not entirely the worst, however, it is far from the best. Therefore, finding a job with decent wages can be extremely problematic.
- Difficulty moving around. Roads in Stavropol leave much to be desired, and traffic jams are not uncommon. Therefore, unfortunately, your own car can only be smashed, since it is extremely difficult to move around the settlement. But the prices for public transport are quite reasonable.
- High level of technogenic load. No matter how much the residents love the environment, nothing can be done about cars and progress. On the other hand, not everything is as sad here as in larger settlements - however, it is not much more cheerful and healthier than in villages.
- Cutting down trees. Frequent logging leads to environmental degradation, erosion of soil by water and poor progress in the treatment of lung diseases.
- There are many "guests from the mountains" (highlanders).Despite the fact that Russia is a multinational country, in Stavropol one can often observe shooting from traumatic weapons during the festivities of various North Caucasian communities and ethnic groups.
Large cities (population from 100 to 250 thousand people)
It is truly a gold-bearing dwelling in Russia, one of the guarantors of its wealth and prosperity. But it still has its drawbacks:
- Polar Division of Norilsk Nickel. It is considered both a benefactor, providing the possibility of its existence, and an executioner, since it poisons the surrounding atmosphere, making it almost unbearable for living.
- Climate. It's pretty cold beyond the Arctic Circle. Therefore, approximately 9 months of the year will have to endure frosty climatic conditions. At the same time, during the calendar winter, the air temperature reaches up to -50 0С;
- The relationship between income and expenses. Relatively solid incomes are closely related to equally significant expenses. After all, it is necessary to purchase warm clothes, additional fuel for the car, tickets for flights to the mainland, as well as other imported food products.
- Lack of sunlight. Residents are sorely lacking in sunlight, and during the polar night, which lasts 45 days, there is still no light (except for an hour a day). This kind of romance pleases only for a short time, because soon the body will rebel against you, giving out depression and apathy.
- Feeling “hostage of the North”. Sometimes residents experience this feeling, especially when they have to sit for long hours at the airport due to the inability to fly out of the city or return to it.
Among the most pressing problems with accommodation are the following:
- Fluoridated water. The fluoride content in drinking water is 3.0 mg / l, which is significantly higher than the norm. As a result, residents suffer from fluorosis - cosmetic problems with teeth.
- Housing. New buildings that have recently flooded Krasnogorsk are not located in the most favorable places (next to railway tracks, close to a traffic intersection).
- Traffic jams. A large number of new buildings, mainly located on the Volokolamskoye highway, have caused huge traffic jams.
It's even harder to breathe than in Moscow. The development of the local economy is due to industrial production. However, this is closely related to the emissions of harmful substances and waste that enter the atmosphere, thereby poisoning it.
In addition, the largest waste incineration plant is located on the territory of Lyubertsy, in the industrial zone of Rudnevo. Another enterprise "Ecologist", where in the past they were engaged in the incineration of the corpses of sick animals, as well as biological remains from numerous medical institutions in Moscow. In Lyubertsy, there is also the largest aeration station, on the fields of which the Moscow sewerage system has been draining for decades. The station has not functioned for a long time, it is impossible to close it, and the land is still contaminated with heavy metals and hazardous chemical waste. Residential buildings were erected on some of these fields, where today people live far from sweet, since methane accumulates in the basements. And from the former station, from time to time, quite unpleasant odors are brought in by the wind.
All this together becomes the cause of urban soil pollution, diseases of trees and plants, over time, local reservoirs become completely unsuitable for swimming. Even children understand perfectly well that you cannot eat fruits from trees located near houses, as you can easily get poisoned.
Medium cities (population from 50 to 100 thousand people)
Among the significant disadvantages of living are the following:
- Remoteness from central Russia. Long distances and a complex logistics system make Magadan one of the most inaccessible Russian regions. Despite the fact that on its territory it acts as a large transport hub, it is rather difficult to get here from other parts of the country.In addition, there is no railway, residents of central Russia cannot travel by sea, and the cost of plane tickets is very high.
- Harsh climatic conditions. Not everyone can live in northern climatic conditions. Also one of the main features of the climate is strong and frequent winds.
- A large number of shift workers. Rotational work in Magadan is quite widespread, so many people constantly come here to work. Residents who are not used to the regular change of contingent feel a little uneasy. Unpleasant situations, of course, do happen, but on the whole the criminal situation in the city is quite calm.
- Poor cultural development. In Magadan, there is only one modern cinema, 2 theaters and several specialized museums. The Magadan Philharmonic Society is responsible for the musical life of the city. Otherwise, cultural development is very limited.
The main disadvantage of living in Anapa is the lack of work. Residents find it difficult to find a job with good earnings, especially in winter, since there are practically none. If in the summer you can still get a job as an employee in a hotel or on the beach, but at the end of the season you can immediately become unemployed.
As for climatic conditions, they are not suitable for everyone. Some people feel unwell, others constantly feel lazy and drowsy. Most people do not tolerate hot summers very badly, because they constantly sweat, and the heat makes breathing difficult.
Since Anapa is a resort city, in the summer there is an increase in the load on transport, shuttle buses are completely overcrowded.
There is a jump in prices in shops and cafes; the cost of houses in the private sector is also quite high.
As for the field of medicine, things are also deplorable here. There is only one polyclinic in Anapa, as a result of which there are huge queues of patients. Doctors cannot cope with such an influx of patients, especially in the spring-autumn period (the very peak of the incidence).
Thus, living is not good everywhere in Russia. There are cities in which staying does not cause much delight, but, on the contrary, there is a desire to leave as soon as possible. This rating is based on statistical data, if you live in a city where conditions are much worse than those described in the article, tell us about it in the comments.