Voltage stabilizers: TOP - 25 popular models


Most of the apartments are equipped with various and sophisticated appliances. A sudden interruption of light can significantly affect the operation of the devices, as well as hit the owner's budget. The editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" have prepared for you an overview of popular stabilizers for 2024.


What is stabilizer

A stabilizer is an electrical device, the main function of which is to eliminate sudden voltage surges when the output current changes, without negatively affecting the operation of electronic equipment. It also removes high frequency interference from the voltage.

Types of stabilizers

Both online and offline electrical stores provide a wide selection of Russian and foreign stabilizers, focusing on the needs of users. There are many types of such devices, so we will consider them in more detail.

By device type

Any stabilizer, regardless of power and cost, is made according to a standard scheme, which is based on a specific rule for stabilizing electricity. There are 6 topologies:

  1. Ferroresonant.
  2. Relay.
  3. Thyristor.
  4. Electromechanical.
  5. Hybrid.
  6. Inverter.

All types of stabilizers have pros and cons, which are explained by their design features. The key characteristics of stabilizers of any kind require careful consideration, since it is in their indicators that the effectiveness of the functioning of a particular device model with modern equipment lies.


These are the first devices that are in high demand in Russia. The peak of the popularity of such stabilizers falls on the 50-60s. 20th century, due to the emergence of tube-type TVs and other household appliances that needed protection from power surges.

Ferroresonant devices differ with most of the new stabilizers in the simplicity of the electronic circuit, as well as the lack of an automatic transformer. They reduce or increase the voltage indicators due to the ferroresonant effect - the magnetic-electrical interconnection of two chokes, one of which has a saturated core (output), and the other unsaturated (input).


  • high reliability;
  • impressive potential for wear resistance, which was achieved due to the fact that there are no moving parts that fail in the structure;
  • minimum error at the output due to smooth and continuous tuning of the network signal;
  • resistance to negative environmental factors;
  • high-speed performance.


  • noise - the hum of transformers can be heard even through the wall;
  • abundant generation of heat;
  • heaviness;
  • large dimensions.

The mentioned disadvantages are typical, first of all, of traditional devices of this type of the first generations. In devices of the modern generation, they are minimized or completely devoid of most of the above disadvantages.


Stabilizers of this type are classified as electronic devices, the principle of operation of which is based on intermittent (sequential) stabilization of electrical energy.

This stabilization principle consists in switching transformer windings in automatic mode with the choice of the one whose voltage is extremely close to the nominal one.

The switching of the circuits required to increase or decrease the current at the input is carried out by turning on electronic-type power relays (which is why such stabilizers are called relay).


  • the main advantage of such models in comparison with electromechanical devices of the old generation is the improved speed (no more than 10-20 ms);
  • have a simple structure, where there are no complex modules and expensive components, which makes it easier to repair and care for them;
  • repair, as well as the device, stands out from the background of other types of stabilizers in availability;
  • do not fear congestion, which explains their durability;
  • compactness;
  • lightness;
  • no need for auxiliary cooling;
  • perfectly perform the tasks assigned to them in low temperatures.


  • intermittent (non-smooth) tuning;
  • make noise - switching on is accompanied by a characteristic click;
  • relays wear out over time.

Devices of this type will be an excellent solution in order to protect low-power equipment in networks, which are typical for minor current fluctuations in the mains. The aforementioned disadvantages indicate the incomplete compliance of the models in this category with respect to the requirements for the protection of innovative electronics, which are famous for their increased sensitivity to even minor drops.


These models can be considered the result of changes and improvements in the discrete stabilization method. Their design features and principle of operation are similar to relay-type devices.

The main difference is that the switching of the automatic transformer windings is carried out not by relays, but by semiconductor electric power switches - thyristors, which increase the stabilization accuracy and make the operation of such models almost noiseless.


  • do not make noise;
  • high-speed performance;
  • improved (when compared with relay-type devices) stabilization accuracy;
  • wear resistance;
  • high reliability;
  • wide range of mains voltage;
  • do not generate magnetic and electrical interference during operation;
  • resistance to negative and high ambient temperatures;
  • small size;
  • lightness;
  • high efficiency.


  • sequential drops are possible;
  • even the latest generation devices with semiconductor components do not provide continuous electrical power and a perfect sine wave signal;
  • sensitivity to congestion, which can disable electronic keys.


Devices of this type saw the light almost at the same time as ferroresonant stabilizers, but electromechanical ones differ from them in design features and the principle of operation.

The main components of any device of this type are an automatic transformer and a moving current-collecting contact, which is made in the form factor of a roller, brush or slider.

The said contact moves along the transformer winding, as a result of which a smooth increase or decrease in the transformation index and proper transformation (correction) of the one coming from the power grid is carried out.


  • constant adjustment of high accuracy without bending the sinusoid;
  • availability.


  • low (except for some of certain models) performance indicators;
  • minor drops occur during sudden surges of the incoming current, which negatively affects the components of protective equipment of increased sensitivity and makes it difficult to use such devices in networks with strong surges;
  • low-quality filtration of incoming magnetic-electrical interference;
  • low reliability indicators due to the presence of movable units of a mechanical type in the device, which significantly reduces the durability of this type of stabilizers.

The aforementioned disadvantages explain the truncated area of ​​use of devices of this type, but they are still in demand in networks without sudden current surges.


This type of stabilizer came out in 2012. This is an electromechanical type device, the design features of which include 2 relay rectifiers. The main module is an electromechanical device.

Relay modules are activated at the moment when electromechanical units cannot provide 220 V. This usually happens if the incoming voltage is too weak, or, on the contrary, is high enough.

The electromechanical device operates in a spectrum that varies between 144-256 V, and the relay modules begin to operate when the value drops to 144 V or, if increased, more than 256 V.

Important! The limiting spectrum ranges from 105 to 280 V.

Hybrid models will be an excellent solution for uninterrupted supply of electricity to apartments, private houses, office premises or shopping centers.


  • smooth adjustment;
  • minimum error;
  • compactness;
  • noiselessness;
  • durability;
  • wide range of operating temperatures;
  • resistance to external interference;
  • high indicators of resistance in relation to strong short-term overloads;
  • minimum error at the output (no more than 3%).


  • not detected.


This is a "fresh" topology of stabilizers, mass production of which was launched in the late 2000s. Modern design features and parameters that surpass the above types of devices make these models a real breakthrough in power stabilization.

The essence of operation of these devices is very similar to on-line uninterruptible power supplies, since the principle of operation of these devices is based on the modern technology of double energy change.

At first, the converter transforms the incoming alternating current into direct current, which then accumulates in the preliminary capacitors and goes to the inverter, which performs the opposite transformation into an alternating stabilized current at the output.


  • provides power to the load with a current with an ideal sinusoid, the indicators of which are extremely close to the nominal values;
  • there are no disadvantages inherent in the above types of stabilizers;
  • excellent performance indicators;
  • wide range of mains operating voltage, which varies within 90-310 V;
  • continuous stepless current adjustment;
  • the design does not provide for the presence of an automatic transformer and moving contacts of a mechanical type, which increases the durability and reduces the total weight of the device;
  • input and output high-pass filters are provided.


  • overpriced, according to experts, the cost.

Other typologies of stabilizers

Stabilizers are also divided by:

  • type of input voltage - single-phase (220 V) or three-phase (320 V);
  • placement method - wall, floor, rack, universal and rack-mount;
  • method of connection - via terminals or by means of a Euro socket.

What to look for when buying

In order to prevent elementary mistakes when choosing, before buying a stabilizer, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

  • maximum active power;
  • cooling method;
  • input operating voltage range;
  • stabilization accuracy percentage - the lower the better;
  • speed reaction;
  • tips and advice on choosing from experts.

Before going to the store, you should calculate the total consumption of all electronic devices, and then add 20% to the resulting value. This is done to ensure that the stabilizer operates at its nominal value.

It is also necessary to look at the functionality, take into account maintainability and customer reviews on the Internet. Only after that you can go to the store and choose equipment, focusing on the price and the specified characteristics.

TOP-10 of the best stabilizers for a house with an active power of no more than 5 kW

Low-power devices are more often bought by owners of PC repair shops, as well as owners of apartments and houses. Due to constant power surges and sudden power outages, PCs, office equipment, gas boilers, televisions and other expensive devices can break down.

To avoid such troubles, 1-phase models with a power of no more than 5 kW are purchased. The average cost of such devices is 3 thousand rubles. Consider the 10 most popular models.

Inverter stabilizer "Calm" IS350

The device is designed to protect any equipment that is powered from a 220 V network with a power of no more than 300 W. This model will be an excellent choice in order to protect the automation of gas boilers.

As a standard, the output value of this device is adjusted to 220 V with an error of 2%. Input current conversion response rate is 0 ms. Such a minimum error and fast response time fully prevent the likelihood of breakdown of automatic units in gas boilers.

The dual current circuit makes it possible to fully eliminate power surges and input noise, which allows this model to be used to power Hi-End and Hi-Fi equipment.

Important! Musicians and sound engineers agree that this device makes the sound of the equipment better.

The average price is 4,800 rubles.

stabilizer Calm IS350


  • lack of noise;
  • ease of installation;
  • connected via a socket - convenient and quick;
  • high-precision stabilization;
  • wide range of input voltages.


  • buyers felt the cost was too high.

Relay stabilizer IPPON AVR-1000

The 1-phase device has a total input power of 1000 VA / 600 W, which is enough to protect the multimedia system from high-voltage surges and short-circuit. The lowest input voltage of 165 V is permissible, and the drops in the electrical network should not exceed 253 V.

At the same time, the model smoothly adjusts the voltage and allows you to get the most favorable output of 210-230 V with a frequency of 50 Hz. There are 4 Euro type sockets for connecting home appliances. There is also a digital type voltmeter, an overload indicator and a fuse.

The average price is 2,300 rubles.

stabilizer IPPON AVR-1000


  • protects household appliances from power surges;
  • ensures the continuous operation of connected devices with fluctuating current indicators in the electrical network;
  • a power switch with a fuse that protects equipment from overload and short circuit;
  • LED indicators;
  • thoughtful degree of protection.


  • The rear power button is not backlit.

Relay stabilizer SVEN AVR SLIM 500 LCD

This model reliably protects the electrical devices connected to it from power failures. A wide range of input voltages, which ranges from 140 to 260 V, makes it possible to supply electrical appliances even in critical conditions of the power grid.

The device is equipped with a reverse switch-on delay in order to prevent serial protection activations.

Important! The model is attached to the wall.

The average price is 2,300 rubles.

stabilizer SVEN AVR SLIM 500 LCD


  • availability;
  • noiselessness;
  • flat body;
  • can be hung on the wall;
  • there are indicators at the entrance and exit.


  • only 1 outlet.

Inverter stabilizer BAXI Energy 400

This 350W model is designed to protect heating equipment. It guarantees complete protection of the connected devices from excessive voltage at the input, high-voltage surges, etc. The device stands out from the competitors with an ideal sinusoid at the output with a minimum equalization error (± 2%).

The input current spectrum fluctuates within 90-310 V. There is also a multi-stage electronic emergency protection with renewal at:

  • KZ.
  • Congestion.
  • Overheating.
  • Electricity failures.

The model is equipped with an integrated energy storage device in order to compensate for short-term input surges (200 ms), and also has excellent efficiency (about 97%), noiselessness, lightness and compactness.

The average price is 5,100 rubles.

stabilizer BAXI Energy 400


  • protection of electronic type is provided with renewal from short circuit and long-term congestion;
  • availability of electronic type thermal protection with renewal from internal overheating;
  • there is an electronic type of protection against a power failure - at low or high current;
  • lightning protection and protection against drops are provided.


  • not detected.

Relay stabilizer Wester STW-3000NS

This model is designed to stabilize the input voltage and protect equipment from power surges. The total power of the device is 3000 VA. The model has a voltage support at the input of 220 V with an error of +/- 8%.

The device is equipped with filters against interference in the network, which prevent the voltage discrepancy at the output with the shape of a sinusoid, microprocessor control, as well as a digital voltage indication showing the voltage at the input and output.

If the voltage at the input exceeds the nominal values, the model turns off the power supply to the output sockets in automatic mode. The device also features a robust housing that protects the model components from damage.

The average price is 6,700 rubles.

stabilizer Wester STW-3000NS


  • overheating protection;
  • short circuit protection;
  • can withstand short-term power grid congestion;
  • digital screen;
  • controlled by toggle switches located at the bottom of the device.


  • not detected.

Relay stabilizer "Resant" ACH-5000/1-Ts

RESANTA produces popular and inexpensive stabilizer models. Country of origin - Latvia. The equipment has an active power of 5 kW with a maximum input operating voltage within 140-260 V, as well as an output voltage from 202 to 238 V.

The type of cooling used is natural, the efficiency is 97%, the device is placed on the floor. The stabilization accuracy is 8%, and the weight of the device is 13 kg.

The main task of the device is to eliminate voltage drops in single-phase networks. Scope - apartments and cottages. Connection is via terminals.

The peculiarity of the stabilizer is that when high or low voltage equipment is applied to the input, the power supply is cut off. The fuse provides reliable protection against overheating.

The average price is 6,300 rubles.

Resant stabilizer ACH-5000


  • acceptable price;
  • high reliability;
  • high-speed performance.


  • low percentage of stabilization accuracy;
  • noise when the relay is triggered;
  • cannot be applied to precision electrical appliances.

Relay stabilizer RUCELF SRW.II-6000-L

Country of origin - Russia. This is a device with an active power of 5000 W and an input operating voltage of 110 to 275 V. At the output, the voltage range ranges from 202 to 238 V. The installation method is wall-mounted, natural cooling is used. The accuracy is 8%. Weight - 16 kg.

The stabilizer has a liquid crystal display that allows you to monitor changes in the network and assess the level of the connected load. Thanks to the improved microprocessor algorithm, the equipment can be considered reliable. According to buyers, this stabilizer is suitable for an apartment or a private house.

The average price is 9 800 rubles.

stabilizer RUCELF SRW.II-6000-L


  • smooth voltage equalization;
  • high input voltage range;
  • visual control;
  • Bypass function;
  • the ability to automatically detect problems;
  • efficient cooling.


  • poor quality wiring;
  • noisy work at times.

Electromechanical stabilizer "Resant" ACH-5000/1-EM

Country of origin - Latvia. The main purpose of the device is to provide stable voltage indicators for connecting sensitive electronic devices. The ventilation of the circuit is carried out due to the slots on the case, the type of cooling is natural. Signal LEDs are provided on the front panel for monitoring.

The equipment has a low stabilization percentage of 2 and an efficiency of 97%. The input voltage is 140-160 V, and the output voltage is from 216 to 224 V. The installation method is floor-standing. The unit is suitable for an apartment or a summer residence. Weight - 17.7 kg. The connection is made via terminals.

The average price is 10,700 rubles.

Resant stabilizer ACH-5000


  • availability;
  • works stably with deviations of 10-20%;
  • minimum error.


  • low reaction rate.

Electrodynamic stabilizer RUCELF SDW.II-6000-L

Country of origin - Russia. The device has a low percentage of stabilization (1.5%), and also has a high efficiency (98%). The equipment is widely used both in the office and at home. The model differs against the background of competitors in its high efficiency. The device also operates smoothly with an input voltage of 140 to 260 V. Connection is made using terminals. Placement method - wall-mounted, with natural cooling. Weight - 15.5 kg.

The average price is 12 850 rubles.

stabilizer RUCELF SDW.II-6000-L


  • silent;
  • low heat dissipation;
  • high precision of work.


  • not identified.

Hybrid stabilizer "Energy" Voltron 5000 HP

Country of origin - Russia. The model has excellent stabilization accuracy (5%) and high efficiency equal to 98%. The stabilizer stands out from the competition with its stable operation during sudden voltage surges and is equipped with a digital display with automatic error correction.

The electrics in the stabilizer are of high quality. The maximum output voltage is 231 V, and the minimum is 209 V. The equipment is most often used for giving. The placement method is universal, with an active cooling system. Weight - 10 kg.

The average price is 9,900 rubles.

stabilizer Energy Voltron 5000 HP


  • frost resistance - up to -30 degrees Celsius;
  • silent;
  • universal installation method;
  • good in conjunction with inverter welding machines.


  • not identified.

Above were considered budget stabilizers with an active power of up to 5 kW. They are suitable for use in country houses and apartments with a small amount of electronic equipment. In cases where a large number of devices are operating in the room, you should pay attention to more powerful devices.

TOP-15 models with active power over 5 kW

The specificity of devices of such power lies in the comparative availability, as well as the ability to guarantee proper protection of household appliances from overloading the electrical network. Consider the 15 best models, the active power of which is more than 5 kW.

Relay stabilizer Upower ASN-8000

It is a multifunctional and easy-to-use device that supplies low-power household appliances with direct current. At the output, the device outputs a voltage of 220 V with a discrepancy of accuracy within +/- 6% even in cases of significant voltage surges in the electrical network.

The average price is 7 400 rubles.

stabilizer Upower ASN-8000


  • provides a stabilized output voltage at values ​​of 120-280 V at the input;
  • high accuracy - the error is +/- 6%;
  • strict appearance, allowing you to install the device in a residential area;
  • ease of installation;
  • the presence of a display;
  • does not need regular shutdown, as it is intended for continuous operation.


  • does not work for long when welding;
  • the relay emits a characteristic loud sound;
  • when cooling is activated, the fan is heard.

Electronic thyristor stabilizer "Volt" Engineering AMPER E 9-1 / 80A v2.0

This is a 1-phase model that is designed to operate in power grids with voltage fluctuations in the range of 145-275 V. In this spectrum, the device provides an output voltage of 220 V with an accuracy of +/- 3.5% with 100% accuracy. This was achieved through the use of multi-stage straightening.

Of the characteristic features of this model, it is worth highlighting the noiselessness, since the role of power switches is played by thyristors, as well as the presence of an electronic bypass. The device can manually adjust the lower switch-off threshold (from 60 to 135 V). This option will be useful in cases of a load with a high inrush current, when starting which a significant voltage drop is allowed and, as a result, the device turns off.

The average price is 45,950 rubles.

stabilizer Volt Engineering AMPER E 9-1 / 80A v2.0


  • the presence of an electronic bypass;
  • automatic transformer does not make noise;
  • quick response to changes in the power grid;
  • a wide range of functioning;
  • small error.


  • not detected.

Electronic thyristor stabilizer Lider PS15000W + 30 / -50

This model is designed to power and protect household appliances from power surges. The stabilizer will cope with the protection of musical equipment, refrigerators, video equipment, etc.

Since the device is made entirely of electronic components, there are no moving parts. Against the background of competitors, the unit stands out with a minimum current rectification error. Channel switching is performed without stopping the power supply to the load and converting the sine waveform.

The average price is 69,200 rubles.

stabilizer Lider PS15000W


  • the presence of an integrated bypass that operates in automatic mode;
  • temperature control of power switches;
  • load current adjustment;
  • switching off the output in case of congestion with a one-time secondary switching on in automatic mode after 10 seconds;
  • fast protection against short-circuit (no more than 10 ms).


  • not detected.

Inverter stabilizer Volter Smart-18

Stabilizer of the latest generation with double stabilization, which is designed to rectify the voltage in an electrical network with a capacity of no more than 18 kW. It differs from other models in this rating by its fashionable design and compactness.

The average price is 116,700 rubles.

stabilizer Volter Smart-18


  • made in a housing with LCD display;
  • intended for permanent use;
  • brings the input voltage back to normal;
  • stepless functioning principle;
  • the presence of an integrated bypass.


  • not detected.

Transistor stabilizer StabVolt SNEO-10SET

A 1-phase device with a power of 10 kW has a typical operating spectrum, which makes it possible to use this model even with critical voltage indicators in the mains supply. This regulator is based on the time-tested effective voltage base of the NS series transistor.

Among the characteristic features of this device, one can single out a multi-stage protective system for internal circuits of energy consumption, protection against overheating and an active cooling system. The device is compact, and the body is made of stainless steel.

The average price is 36,500 rubles.

stabilizer StabVolt SNEO-10SET


  • high reliability;
  • electronic control by means of microprocessors is provided;
  • symmetrical spectrum of input voltage setting;
  • withstands overload;
  • excellent response;
  • indication of digital type.


  • not detected.

Relay stabilizer "Resant" LUX ASN-10000N / 1-Ts

Country of origin - Latvia. It is an inexpensive model that impresses with its simplicity and reliability. This is a relay type equipment with an active power of 10 kW, and a stabilization accuracy rate of 8%.

The maximum operating voltage ranges from 140 to 260 V. Connection is made using terminals. Placement method - wall-mounted with forced cooling. There is a bypass. The weight of the device is 19.7 kg.

The average price is 10,300 rubles.

stabilizer Resant LUX ASN-10000N


  • adequate price;
  • high level of efficiency;
  • excellent stabilization.


  • incorrect information on the display;
  • there are jumps at times;
  • noisy relay switching.

Relay stabilizer "ERA" SNNT-10000-Ts

Country of origin - China. The only drawback of this device in comparison with competitors is the lack of a bypass. The output operating voltage ranges from 202 to 238 V with a stabilization accuracy of 8%. If you believe the reviews, then the device is not intended for gas boilers.

A digital indicator is used instead of an LCD. The maximum active power is 10 kW. Installation method - wall-mounted, with forced cooling. The mass of the device is 17.2 kg.

The average price is 16,300 rubles.

stabilizer ERA SNNT-10000-Ts


  • quiet work;
  • low error;
  • ease of installation.


  • lack of bypass.

Relay stabilizer RUCELF SRW.II-9000-L

Country of origin - Russia. The equipment is equipped with an innovative self-diagnosis system, smooth regulation and overheating protection system. To use the stabilizer in an apartment, 7 kW of power with 8% stabilization accuracy will be enough to protect various equipment (boiler, air conditioner, microwave oven, etc.).

The input operating voltage range is 110 to 275 V. The device is wall-mounted and is passively cooled. Weight - 17.7 kg.

The average price is 14,500 rubles.

stabilizer RUCELF SRW.II-9000-L


  • responds quickly to horse racing;
  • easy installation;
  • informative display;
  • high working range.


  • large dimensions;
  • noisy, therefore it is not recommended to install in residential premises.

Relay stabilizer "Energy" Voltron PCH-10000

Country of origin - Russia. The main advantage of this device is stability of operation even at humidity levels up to 95%, while most other devices are rated at 80%.

There is a high percentage of stabilization, equal to 10. The input voltage fluctuates within 105-265 V, and the output voltage from 198 to 242 V. The device has a high operating temperature (from -30 to +45 degrees Celsius). The placement method is universal, with active cooling. Weight - 19.4 kg.

The average price is 15,500 rubles.

stabilizer Energy Voltron PCH-10000


  • comfortable operation;
  • high operating voltage range;
  • stable operation at high humidity levels.


  • noisy relay switching;
  • high percentage of error.

Electronic stabilizer "Energy" Classic 20000

Country of origin - Russia. The device is suitable for installation in houses with a large number of equipment, since it has a high active power of 14 kW, with an accuracy of 5% and an efficiency of 98%.

The maximum input operating voltage ranges from 125 to 254 V. The device is equipped with a transformer overheating protection system, therefore it automatically turns off after reaching a temperature above 120 degrees. The device is placed on the wall and has forced cooling.

The average price is 66,400 rubles.

stabilizer Energy Classic 20,000


  • quiet;
  • compact;
  • high power.


  • expensive.

Electronic stabilizer "Energy" Classic 7500

Country of origin - Russia. The device stands out from the competition with its high reaction speed (20 ms). The stabilizer has an active power of 5.25 kW with an output voltage from 209 to 231 V. It is well suited for use in country houses or apartments, where power outages often occur.

The service life is 20 years, and the error does not exceed 5%.Placement method - wall-mounted, with forced cooling. The weight of the equipment is 20 kg.

The average price is 27,100 rubles.

stabilizer Energy Classic 7500


  • low noise level;
  • fast adjustment;
  • durability;
  • exact entry;
  • large input range.


  • not identified.

Inverter stabilizer "Calm" IS1110RT

Country of origin - Russia. The equipment is suitable for boiler, household appliances, telecommunication equipment, etc. The case is universal, which makes it possible to fix the stabilizer to the wall or put it on the floor, the type of cooling is forced. Like most modern models, this gimbal is equipped with an LCD display and LED indicators.

The maximum stabilization accuracy percentage is 2, the efficiency is 97%, and the active power is 8 kW. The device is suitable for people who have started repairs in an apartment or when building a country house. The advantages of the model include the fact that the minimum input voltage is 90 V, and the maximum - 310 V. Weight - 17 kg.

The average price is 62,950 rubles.

stabilizer Calm IS1110RT


  • build quality;
  • high ultimate voltage;
  • high speed of work;
  • built-in protection against impulse noise.


  • noisy fan operation;
  • consumes a lot of electricity at idle;
  • expensive.

Relay stabilizer WESTER STW 10000 NP

Country of origin - China. Among analogs, the device stands out for its strong case, which protects the internal components of the device. The active power of the device is 8 kW. The stabilizer has a microprocessor control and a digital voltage indicator.

Maximum operating accuracy is 8% with standard input voltage. The connection is made via terminals. The unit is placed on the floor and has an active cooling system. The weight of the device is 15 kg.

The average price is 12,000 rubles.

stabilizer WESTER STW 10000 NP


  • high-quality voltage stabilization;
  • quiet work;
  • acceptable price.


  • not detected.

Electronic stabilizer "BASTION" SKAT-ST-12345

Country of origin - Russia. The great advantage of the gimbal lies in its shape, which facilitates efficient passive cooling and flexible placement. Due to the lack of a fan, the noise during the operation of the device is minimal.

The model has a high apparent power of 12 kV * A. Due to microprocessor control, current stabilization occurs quickly and amounts to 5%. The input operating voltage ranges from 135 to 290 V.

When assembling the device, the manufacturer used only reliable materials and high-quality element base. The equipment is equipped with excellent short circuit protection. The device has a heavy weight of 50 kg. Warranty period: 5 to 7 years.

The average price is 43,000 rubles.

stabilizer BASTION SKAT-ST-12345


  • quiet;
  • high reliability;
  • the presence of an adaptive mode;
  • long-term guarantee;
  • wide range of work;
  • convenient digital display.


  • great weight.

Electronic stabilizer "Energotech" OPTIMUM + 9000

Country of origin - Russia. The device has a high-quality body and a nice design. The percentage of work accuracy is 4.5, and the efficiency is 97%. The total power of the equipment is 9 kV * A. The characteristics of the stabilizer are fully consistent with those stated.

The stabilizer provides smooth adjustment of the output voltage, and during operation there are no loud clicks. The equipment has a universal arrangement with an active cooling system. The weight of the stabilizer is 21 kg. The device is guaranteed for 5 years.

The average price is 31,800 rubles.

stabilizer Energotech OPTIMUM + 9000


  • convenient display;
  • long warranty period;
  • wide range of stabilization;
  • silent work;
  • adequate price.


  • not detected.


The rating of high-quality and popular devices was presented above, but which company is better to buy - everyone decides based on their own preferences.If a small number of electronic devices are used in an apartment or house, then it is better to buy a pulse stabilizer up to 5 kW, and if there are a lot of devices and they work at the same time, then the best option would be to purchase a device with a power higher than 5 kW.

If you have experience in using voltage stabilizers described in the rating, or a more interesting model, tell us about it in the comments.


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