How to Choose the Best Electrode Socks in 2024


Microcurrent conductive socks stimulate acupuncture points located on the feet. Microcurrents, acting on a certain point, affect one or another internal organ. It is difficult to achieve a similar effect with a simple massage or with the help of myostimulation. In addition, socks-electrodes are designed taking into account the peculiarities of the foot, and the use of microcurrent is safer than using the same needles or laser. The editors of the site "" have prepared a review of the best socks-electrodes, indicating their advantages and disadvantages, as well as their cost.

Socks-electrodes - what is it?

Socks-electrodes are fabric products made of silver thread with special built-in electrodes. They are used to carry out procedures such as electropuncture, myostimulation and metal therapy with silver ions. Also, the conductive model can be represented in the form of any item of clothing, for example, gloves, insoles or golfs. All of them have special contacts that are required to connect to devices such as Meridian, Shuboshi, AK2000-III, Super HAND, Mercury, XFT-502 and other medical physiotherapy devices.

Each device has several modes: stimulating, sedative, intense toning and combined. Each of them has different properties and has a differentiated effect on the body:

  • Stimulating regimen - increases muscle tone, relieves swelling and pain. It is used for paralysis, face contour lifting, as well as for increasing muscle mass.
  • Sedation is necessary for insomnia, seizures, as well as in the presence of problems with the intestines and urinary tract. Relieves spasms, relaxes.
  • Intensive toning mode - stimulates the improvement of metabolism, accelerates the healing process, improves blood flow, helps with obesity, removes cellulite deposits.
  • Combo Mode - Plays all modes in a specific order.

Indications for the use of socks-electrodes

In combination with Chinese medicine, microcurrent conductive socks successfully help with diseases such as:

  • gout;
  • rheumatism;
  • spondylitis;
  • diseases affecting the joints of the toes;
  • rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis;
  • problems with fingers with coxarthrosis;
  • neurological complications;
  • paralysis of the limbs;
  • the initial stage of chronic arterial insufficiency;
  • any stage of venous insufficiency;
  • defects and injuries of the foot;
  • flat feet;
  • diseases of the vascular system;
  • diabetes mellitus of any stage;
  • limb pain;
  • sprain and rupture of ligaments;
  • fractures and other injuries of the ankle;
  • chronic diseases of the lower extremities.

Contraindications for conductive socks

The procedure cannot be used if there are such factors:

  • intolerance to current pulses;
  • a pacemaker implanted in the skin;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • the presence of blood clots;
  • blood flow disorders;
  • serious diseases of the renal and hepatic system;
  • tuberculosis of any kind;
  • kidney and bladder stones;
  • inflammatory diseases of the joints;
  • purulent processes in any of the organs;
  • serious dermatological problems;
  • pregnancy throughout the entire period, in all trimesters;
  • the presence of cancerous tumors;
  • high blood pressure and its surges.

Methods and rules for using conductive socks

When using socks-electrodes, you must follow clear instructions. This will maximize the benefits of the procedure. Terms of use:

  1. Moisturize your skin with cream, gel, water, or medicated solution. The selected component should not be irritating. You need to process the area to which the electrodes will be attached.
  2. Put on the product.
  3. Connect the electrodes using the wire supplied with the device.
  4. Choose a mode that is comfortable for you on the device and start the procedure. An average session can last from 20 minutes to an hour.

After the end of the session, you must turn off the device, and then remove the electrodes.
If a conductive item of clothing is dirty, then washing is permissible. The product must be soaked in warm water and soap, and then thrown into the washing machine. Do not use aggressive detergents.

Use cases:

There are several ways to use the instrument and the electrode tips. The first method is suitable for people suffering from joint diseases or having their injuries. First you need to moisturize your feet with a treatment solution or gel that does not cause irritation and allergic reactions. Then put on socks and connect the device to them. Next, you need to choose a program and a comfortable current strength. The procedure should be carried out for half an hour 4 times a day. The duration of the course is 2 weeks. If necessary or if the problem worsens, you can take a break for 5 days.

The following method is suitable for people who have problems with the venous system. All initial steps are the same as in the first method. The skin is moistened, socks are put on and the electrodes are connected to the device. Next, you need to choose a suitable mode and carry out manipulations for 35 minutes, 3 times a day. The course should last 14 days. The procedure can be performed both daily and every other day.

If you use a bandage in therapy, then with its help, you can quickly eliminate the headache. The product itself must be moistened with water and then applied to the forehead. Then select the appropriate mode and perform the procedure for 15 minutes. If necessary, the session can be repeated several times a day.

What is the impact of socks-electrodes on the body and their benefits?

During the research, it was revealed that with the systematic use of conductive socks, the following parameters of the body change:

  • blood circulation is improving;
  • tension in muscle tissue is removed;
  • coordination is restored;
  • the number of seizures decreases;
  • the condition of the skin improves.

The main advantages of socks-electrodes include:

  • the possibility of repeated use;
  • high efficiency of therapy;
  • a large area that can be affected by the electrodes;
  • uniform distribution of current exposure throughout the entire skin area;
  • fast and pronounced application results
  • simplicity and ease of use.

Rating of the highest quality socks-electrodes and insoles from the best manufacturers

Conductive socks "Silver" for foot massage

Socks with silver thread are suitable for use with devices from the Shuboshi and Comfort series. The package includes the product itself and a button wire. You cannot use socks if there are skin lesions in the area of ​​the foot, in the presence of blood clots, high body temperature, psychological disturbances and confusion. In addition, the device cannot be used without assistance by children, as well as by persons who cannot perform the simplest actions on their own.

The product is certified in the Russian Federation and manufactured by JJQ, which develops Shuboshi-Comfort devices under the supervision of Professor Cao Liangmin. The average price of socks-electrodes is 1,500 rubles.

Conductive socks "Silver"

Socks-electrodes from the company "Modern technological lines"

This model is compatible with the "Mercury" physical apparatus. Socks help fight diseases of the ankle joint, and are also used to prevent diseases of the feet. This is especially true for people whose working profession is associated with a long stay on their feet. For example, hairdressers, dentists, flight attendants and masseurs.

The average cost of such a device is 3,500 rubles. Customer reviews indicate that the device perfectly copes with its task, relieves the syndrome of "heavy legs" and numbness of the lower extremities. The device has a therapeutic effect due to the effect on the body of bipolar low impulses of low frequency electric current.

Socks-electrodes "Modern technological lines

IHelp Electrode Insoles with Magnets

This is one of the most popular models of conductive insoles for DENAS, DiaDENS, SCENAR, Mercury and other physiotherapy devices. They are made of conductive rubber. The insoles are used to treat diseases of the feet and to influence biologically active points located on the feet, as well as those responsible for certain organs of the human body. Since the electrodes are universal, they can be used for back pain and any joint problems.

To prevent the development of chronic diseases of the feet, insoles should be used:

  • girls with autonomic insufficiency;
  • people whose profession is associated with being constantly on their feet;
  • people who are actively involved in sports.

IHelp Electrode Insoles with Magnets


Socks-electrodes and conductive insoles allow you to replace visits to masseurs and taking medications. Thanks to modern technologies, in combination with traditional medicine, conductive products have a quick and pronounced therapeutic effect. However, before use, you should make sure that you have no contraindications. It is best to do this by visiting your doctor. Please pay attention to the quality of the product itself before buying. It shouldn't be damaged. When choosing between budget and expensive models, it is better to pay attention to relatively inexpensive products. Some sellers can "break" the price, although the quality of their product will not differ from its cheap counterpart.


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