I've always liked wavy hair. It is very pleasant for my fingers to stroke them. You cannot just run your fingers through them, as through straight lines. They resist as if they were alive, and it is terribly pleasant to tame them.
Hubert Selby Jr. Requiem for a Dream
If you constantly want to straighten your hair, then most likely you have naturally curly hair. Oddly enough, curly girls are the ones who find it hardest to accept their hair. Many believe that this is a real punishment and persistently straighten the rebellious hair.
Despite the fact that straight and smooth styling is a kind of prototype for well-groomed and healthy hair, it is worth noting that waves and curls are increasingly found in advertising campaigns for the most popular brands of clothing, cosmetics, perfumes, etc.
In recent years, stylists and designers have urged us to turn to our natural data and deliberately emphasize them. This means straightening straight hair and adding texture to waves and curls.
And here's another interesting fact:
From a psychological point of view, smooth hair has long been considered a sign of obedience, piety, control over femininity, asexuality, that is, "safety" for men. Subconsciously, we treat "tamed" hair as a victory over nature by primitiveness. And the curly curls, in turn, gave the woman the image of a wild womanizer (an association with hair on intimate parts of the body). In folklore, it was the enchantresses, sorceresses and sorceresses who were presented with a shock of curly hair.
At the same time, it is the curls that give the image softness, romanticism, lightness and even a certain childishness.
The editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" have studied the issue of caring for curly and curly hair. And further in the article, we will offer you a revolutionary method and techniques for caring for curls. We will also present an overview of the grooming and styling products that will help you fall in love with your curly hair.
Features of curly hair
It is impossible to love your curls if they are puffy, fluffy and do not have a healthy structure. Therefore, it is necessary to properly care for this type of hair.
First of all, you need to clearly understand how curly hair differs from straight hair.
Hair originates under the scalp, originating in a small hair follicle called a follicle. And it is the shape of the follicle that determines the further appearance of the hair. The curl is due to the hair coming out of an oval rather than round base.Thus, the curl is twisted into a spiral.
Curly hair has a porous and loose structure. This happens because the hair shaft is forced to bend, revealing a large number of scales (cuticles). At the same time, it is difficult for sebum (natural hair moisturizer) to reach the hair shaft along the created curves.
Interesting fact! Despite the seemingly thick head of hair, the number of follicles (curly people have fewer than those with straight hair. Such hair seems lush because of the volume created by waves and curls.
But this is also the reason for dry curls - fewer follicles, less sebum, less moisture.
Curly Girl Care by Lorraine Massey
To compensate for all the disadvantages of curly hair, you need to know certain rules of care.
We chose the “kinky method” for a reason, since the number of followers amounts to millions of people. Many people note that thanks to this care system, they finally fell in love with their curly hair, achieved beautiful contoured curls and waves, and also grew the desired length.
The author of the method is Lorraine Massey, an American stylist who specializes in curly hair. With her naturally curly hair, Lorraine knows firsthand all the advantages and disadvantages of curls. Back in the 80s, she stopped using shampoo, and used balms and conditioners for washing her hair. After such a refusal, Lorraine noticed that the curls became smoother, more contoured and stopped drying and chipping.
To date, Lorraine Massey is the author of several books on the topic of curly hair care. She is also the owner of a chain of salons in America. Stars are queuing up to her. And on the basis of her method, the Deva Curl brand was created, which produces a special series of care products for curly hair.
Basic principles of the "kinky method"
For many curly-haired girls, the book "Curly girl" (in the Russian version is called "Curly Hair") according to the Lorraine Massey method is a desktop instruction. It brings together invaluable experience and research on types of curly hair and methods of caring for them.We tried to highlight the main important principles that are mentioned in the original source.
Lorraine Massey suggests co-washing your hair.
Co-washing (from the English co-washing literally means "conditioner only washing" - washing only with conditioner).
As stated earlier, curly hair has a much harder time getting its dose of natural grease, which closes the hair's flakes while retaining moisture inside.
Therefore, the most important point in caring for this type of hair is the preservation of the protective lipid layer on the scalp. But at the same time, it is important to rinse your hair well.
Do not be afraid that your hair will remain dirty or greasy if you do not use shampoo. In this case, just the opposite, after washing you will get the natural purity of the skin.
Of course, right after the first time, your hair will not look like an advertisement. Most of those who use the co-waxing method note that after about a month, the hair becomes shinier, firmer, less frizzy, and the ends stop chipping. The scalp is less greasy, and curly hair reaches the coveted elastic and defined curls or waves.
High quality balms and conditioners without silicones are suitable for co-waxing. For recognition, here's a hint for you, these are all substances in the composition that have the ending -con (-cone): for example, dimethicone (Dimethicone).
Many brands create special co-waxing products.
How to wash your hair using the co-washing method:
- Hair must be very abundantly wet;
- Apply balm / conditioner generously to hair and scalp. To rinse your hair, you need 2-3 times more product than you usually use;
- Massage the scalp well for a few minutes until it foams. If the balm is not felt, add a little water;
- Rinse off thoroughly, until it “squeaks”;
- Then you can apply a mask or some kind of leave-in care.
- deep moisturizing;
- unruly, coarse or curly hair becomes softer;
- thanks to the method of washing with co-washing, the scalp gets an excellent massage;
- shine, smoothness, hair stops fluffing and splitting.
- this method is not always suitable for oily scalp;
- takes longer than regular shampooing;
- you can overload the hair with nutrients. Therefore, alternate means or use special co-waxing products. You can also wash your hair with a deep cleansing shampoo once every 2 weeks.
Using sulfate-free shampoos
If the co-washing method is not for you, then choose sulfate-free shampoos.
Most shampoos contain sodium sulfate, which actually has a detrimental effect on our hair, skin and the body as a whole.
We will not go into the topic that it accumulates in the body, but we will tell you exactly about the harm to hair. Sulfates strongly dry the scalp and hair, as they wash away the lipid layer, in other words, they degrease. The skin loses its protection and begins to secrete fat more actively. The result is that the hair becomes greasy, and you have to wash it more often, as well as dry hair and split ends.
Sulfate-free shampoos do not wash away the lipid layer, which means the head stays clean longer and the length and ends are healthy.
Some of the most common sulfates that are unacceptable for curly hair include:
- SLS - Sodium Lauryl Sulfate;
- SLES - Sodium Laureth Sulfate;
- ALS - Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate;
- ALES - Ammonium Laureth Sulfate;
- SMES - Sodium myreth sulfate;
- Sodium coco sulfate, etc.
Sodium coco sulfate - Although it is a mild alternative to sodium sulfate, it has the same properties as regular sulfates.
All of these sulfates help to form a rich foam and have strong cleansing properties. Therefore, sulfate-free shampoos most often cannot boast of abundant foam. This must be taken into account when washing.
It is worth mentioning that the basis of household chemicals, aimed at degreasing dishes and any surfaces, also consists of the same sulfates. The conclusion is obvious.
The goal of maintaining healthy hair is to maintain the protective lipid film.
Today there are a large number of sulfate-free shampoos in different price categories and availability. We recommend choosing mild, neutral, nourishing cleansers or special lines for curly hair.
Look for natural shampoos that are labeled to ensure that the product has been tested for environmental friendliness and safety. Usually it is one of 9 signs of international organizations specializing in such certification.
Most likely, it is in organic shampoos that you will not find components that are dangerous for your hair. A large selection of specialty organic cosmetics for curly hair can be found at iherb.com
Important! If you are switching to sulfate-free shampoos, then use conditioners / balms / masks WITHOUT silicones.
The fact is that sulfate-free shampoos cannot wash out silicones, otherwise they will accumulate in the hair shaft, drying it out. And this is fraught with fragility, section and loss.
Abandoning a comb
In this case, it means that it is necessary to stop combing dry or drying hair. The fact is that combing destroys and stretches the hair, and this is not necessary for curly hair.
The “curly” method requires brushing your hair while wet with your fingers while you apply the conditioner. In this state, they are slippery and can be easily broken into strands by hand. And if after that you do not rub your hair with a towel and let it dry properly, then there will be no need for a comb.
By the way, when washing with the curly gurl method, many people notice that their hair grows in more quantity than when washing normally.
Don't worry about it. The fact is that curly hair is not combed as often as straight hair; the amount of hair that normally leaves our head on a daily basis remains in the hair, rather than combing out.Therefore, in the process of washing, the feeling is created that the hair is falling out with greater force.
Refusal from a hair dryer, flat pans and irons
Any heating device dries and destroys hair. Therefore, natural drying will be the most correct and optimal way out.
Difficulty can arise only if you do not have time for natural drying, for example, in the morning, when every minute counts.
For such cases, you can use a hair dryer with a diffuser in the "cold" drying mode. Moreover, it is important to dry exactly the root zone of the hair, since it is better not to dry the length itself, so as not to end up with the effect of a dandelion.
You can also make a "refresh" (English to refresh). To do this, it is necessary to moisten the length of the hair with water (in the book, the author proposes to refresh the hair with lavender spray) and with the help of styling products (or without) to form the curls again. Curls are formed by squeezing strands of hair in your hands. As soon as the curly shape has appeared, the hair must be left alone and allowed to dry.
Recipe for lavender hair refresher spray:
- 2 liters of water;
- 10 drops of lavender essential oil.
Put the container with water on a slow fire and boil for an hour, add drops of oil. After the water has cooled, it must be poured into a bottle with a spray bottle. The spray is ready!
It can be used permanently.
Other essential oils that are suitable for the hair can be used, such as rosemary, ylang ylang, etc.
Refusal from terry towels
Lorraine Massey strongly recommends that you stop drying your hair with a towel. Our main goal is to retain moisture in the hair nutria. Terry cloth is highly absorbent. It dries very quickly and "roughly". And the villi draw moisture out of the ajar flakes.
The solution to this problem is to switch to smooth cotton fabrics (the book advises to take, for example, an old knitted T-shirt). Knitted microfiber with very thin fibers is also an excellent option. Now many companies offer special microfiber towels specifically for drying hair.
One of the specialties of drying curly hair is the way you wrap the head. This is done in such a way that the hair dries without stretching under its own weight. This allows you to maintain the volume at the roots and the laid shape of the curls. This system of wrapping and drying the hair is called "plopping". To do this, you need to carefully put your hair in a towel, without squeezing or twisting the turban.
Pick up and squeeze
It is these two actions that are the main, and, perhaps, the only ones that we perform with hair on the recommendation of Lorraine Massey. In the original it is called "squish to condish" (literally translated - squish when conditioning).
Almost every curly girl often or rarely, but pulls her hair. It doesn't matter if it is a hairdryer, comb or iron. Add to this the effect of sulfates and silicones, and as a result we get hair of an indistinct structure.
The purpose of the curly method is to help the hair regain its natural shape.
So what does it mean to pick up and squeeze
When we take our hair out from under a stream of water, we usually "pull" excess moisture from roots to ends of the hair or twist it into a tourniquet. In the case of curly hair, moisture should be left in the hair as much as possible. Therefore, push-up occurs by squeezing and moving from the bottom up with your hands to remove the flowing water. During these manipulations, a squelching sound of water in the hands should be formed. This means the hair is wet enough for this method. After that, we use a knitted cotton fabric or microfiber.
Styling with transparent gel
Before wrapping your hair in a towel, the author of the method suggests applying a transparent gel to fix the hair. It is necessary to apply a transparent product, as any dyes can accumulate in the hair.
In this state, the gel dries along with the hair, retaining the shape that was given when squeezing and forming curls. The gel also creates a crust on the hair, which prevents it from frizzing and wrinkling.
After drying, the hair will become coarse and “crispy”, this effect is called caste. It is very easy to break it with the same hand squeezes.After such manipulations, the curls become soft, smooth, at the same time keeping their shape. There are no external traces of the gel.
Important! The gel should not contain any water- or fat-insoluble ingredients, i.e. silicones.
Curly hair products
In our review of products, we tried to select several products for curly hair, which are as close as possible in terms of reviews, compositions and action to the philosophy of the "curly" method.
DevaCurl No-poo Original
It is not the most affordable in Russia, but the most popular co-waxing tool among curly-haired people around the world.
Price: from 1500 rubles.
- does not contain: silicones, sulfates, parabens;
- cools the scalp due to the presence of essential oils in the composition;
- structures curls from the roots.
- difficult to buy in Russia;
- strong perfume.
JURASSIC SPA Cleansing balm instead of shampoo for dry and damaged hair
JURASSIC SPA is one of the few Russian brands of natural organic cosmetics that pays attention to the care of curly hair. The manufacturer offers a co-waxing system for different hair types and even co-waxing after sea water and swimming pool.
The same company also manufactures products under the NANO ORGANIC brand. Their product lines also have co-waxing products that also have natural ingredients and great reviews.
Price: from 300 rubles.
- restores hair structure;
- removes fluffiness;
- smoothes and conditions hair;
- helps to form bouncy curls on curly and permed hair;
- prevents split ends of the hair;
- suitable for sensitive scalp.
- May not be suitable for oily scalp.
Yves Rocher Mild Hair Washing Cream
The Mild Hair Wash Cream is suitable for all hair types. Formula does not foam.
Price: from 300 rubles.
- 99% natural ingredients;
- suitable for co-washing;
- gives shine and softness to hair;
- does not wash out the color of dyed hair.
- does not make curls elastic, rather soft.
- contains alcohol in the composition.
Matrix biolage cleansing conditioner for curly hair
Matrix Biolage Cleansing Conditioner is available for a variety of hair types. In terms of composition and action, we liked it specifically for curly hair.
Price: from 800 rubles.
- gentle cleansing;
- does not make it heavier and does not hide the volume;
- does not contain parabens, sulfates, silicones and soap extract;
- helps create a bouncy curl.
- Contains an abrasive for viscosity and a chemical preservative that may cause skin irritation and allergic reactions.
Sulfate-free shampoos
The main task of the shampoo is to rinse the scalp without damaging the hair structure. There are a large number of sulfate-free champagne on the market, but naturally we cannot fit all of us in the list. We offer you several shampoos, the compositions of which can be guided by when choosing other brands.
Natura Siberica
These are some of the most affordable sulfate-free shampoos that have good mild formulations and attractive prices. Natura Siberica neutral shampoo and Natura Siberica Oblepikha & Kedr PRO-Keratin shampoo for damaged hair are especially suitable for curly owners.
Price: from 200 rubles.
- natural composition;
- foams well, despite the absence of sulfates;
- softens hair;
- low price;
- economical consumption;
- hair stays "fresh" longer.
- an addictive effect is possible, therefore it is recommended to alternate with other shampoos.
Mulsan Cosmetics Sleek and Shine shampoo
The Russian brand of natural cosmetics from Kuban creates cosmetics with the most natural composition. Almost all shampoos of this brand are suitable for curly hair, but we have highlighted the one that was created specifically for unruly, frizzy and curly hair.Shampoo helps to make curls more defined and straight or wavy hair smoother, giving hair a natural, healthy shine.
Price: 399 rub.
- does not contain: SLS, SLES, DEA, TEA, MEA, PEG, DMDM hydantoin, GMO, Sodium chloride, Animal fats, Parabens, Mineral oil, Silicones, Paraffins, Sulfates, Talc, Aluminum salts, Triclosan, Colorants;
- natural composition;
- restores hair structure;
- moisturizes;
- nourishes hair roots, accelerating their growth.
- few points of offline sales, but you can order online with free shipping.
Nano organic dry hair shampoo
The Nano Organic brand produces natural cosmetics. All shampoos in their lines are sulfate-free, but it is the shampoo for dry hair that is most suitable for curly and frizzy curls. It has an ultra soft formula that provides good nutrition, shine and elasticity to the hair.
Price: from 300 rubles.
the washing base is saponified oils, the mildest organic surfactants;
- well rinses the scalp and hair;
- does not cause dandruff and itching;
- nourishes and moisturizes;
- affordable price.
- tangle hair a little when washing;
- not economical if you are used to heavy foam;
- can conceal volume at the roots.
J. Maki professional sulphate-free shampoo REPAIR Keratin and Macadamia oil
Revitalizing shampoo with keratin from the Finnish brand J.Maki is ideal for curly and curly hair. This is a vegan professional shampoo that will truly transform your hair. It nourishes, moisturizes and gives a well-groomed look to curls.
Price: from 1800 rub.
- contains many valuable oils, keratin and panthenol;
- smoothes the cuticle, due to this, the hair acquires shine;
- thanks to the panthenol in the composition, the scalp is healed;
- Contains an anti-aging complex;
- Contains a UV filter;
- has a cumulative effect;
- pleasant fragrance.
- high price;
- when washing, the hair gets tangled (when dry, this effect disappears);
- you can buy only in professional stores and on the Internet.
Shampoo Giovanni Smooth As Silk
It is this shampoo that is quite popular among adherents of the curly method. The American brand Giovanni produces organic cosmetics with natural formulations. Smoothe As Silk shampoo deeply moisturizes and smooths dry and / or damaged hair, making curly hair more manageable and shine. It can only be purchased at iherb.com so far.
Price: from 450 rubles.
- foams well;
- gentle cleansing;
- deep moisturizing;
- disciplines curls;
- gives shine and smoothness;
- does not contain: sulfates, silicones, parabens, colorants and polyethylene glycol.
- does not wash "until squeak";
- you can buy only online.
Hair gels
One of the most important components of the curl method is the clear hair styling gel. Even if your curls dry out in a crisp curl shape, they tend to frizz and straighten throughout the day. In this case, the gel helps to maintain its shape for a long time.
We offer you products with safe formulations that not only will not glue your hair and will not turn them into "wet" curls, and some will even help restore and improve the appearance of curls.
Chocolatte Protein Hair Gel
An excellent styling product for curly hair with a natural composition. Especially this gel will be appreciated by owners of thin and dry hair. Vegetable proteins fill the hair's cortical layer, closing the scales and making the hair stronger and more elastic. Gives a soft, natural hold. Apply to wet hair. When dry, beat a little with your hands.
Price: from 200 rubles.
- natural composition with vegetable proteins and keratin;
- thermal protection;
- pleasant aroma of ylang-ylang and lemon;
- heals the hair structure;
- not sticky;
- does not stick together and does not weigh down;
- natural light fixation;
- can be layered when refreshed.
- on straight hair it does not give such a positive effect as on curly hair;
- for coarse and heavy hair it can be rather weak.
The beauty of bio
This is a very budget and affordable find for styling curly hair. The composition is completely suitable for the "curly girl" method. Has a strong hold.
Price: from 100 rubles.
- strong and long fixation;
- available in many stores;
- low price.
- may dry your hair a little, so we recommend applying a leave-in care under it;
- many note a chemical scent.
Natura Siberica Hair Styling Gel Sea Buckthorn "Natural Fixation"
For styling curls, we recommend this particular gel, and not a ghoul for curling. This product gives a soft and natural hold, cares for hair, and retains moisture.
Price: from 350 rubles.
- maintains the flexibility and elasticity of styling;
- retains moisture inside the hair;
- protects hair from thermal effects;
- not sticky;
- does not contain: SLS, SLES, mineral oils, PEG, parabens.
- weak texturing of curls;
- weak hold, may not suit some hair types.
Kinky-Curly Original Curling Custard Natural Hair Styling Gel
A popular remedy among followers of the curly method. It has a natural composition and gives excellent results. Perfectly structures, fixes and improves hair quality.
Price: from 1000 rubles.
- removes tangled hair;
- retains moisture inside the hair;
- structures curls;
- gives shine;
- long-term fixation;
- has a curative cumulative effect.
- note a strong fragrance;
- quite high price;
- you can buy it at iherb.com.
When switching to the “kinky method” it is important to keep in mind that curly hair is a special gift from nature.
We suggest that you stop struggling with curls, and instead take them and use the tips written above.
And so, to sum up the curly method:
- choose sulfate-free shampoos or co-washing;
- we give preference to balms, conditioners, masks and leave-on care without silicones;
- we refuse, if possible, from a comb, hair dryer, curling iron and irons;
- we master the technique "squish to condish" - we pick up and squeeze (this will help the formation of waves and curls);
- instead of a terry towel, we use a soft knitted cotton fabric or microfiber;
- we use a transparent styling gel;
- enjoying your new look and accepting your compliments.
Video with detailed instructions on how to properly wash and dry curly hair:
If you have any experience with the “curly method” or have additional questions about curly hair care, share it with us in the comments.