Varicose veins are a common disease that is dangerous in its course and is characterized by severe complications. Venotonics will help to alleviate the condition and return a person to a full life. The editors of "" have prepared for your attention a review of the best remedies for varicose veins, costing from 67 to 690 rubles.
Varicose manifestation: what is it
Uneven expansion of veins, a change in their shape and elasticity is called varicose veins or varicose veins. Many people think that this is only a cosmetic problem, since the modified vessels are visible under the skin. They are deeply mistaken.
Important! The presence of this pathology indicates serious disturbances in the vascular system of the body. This is a signal to see a doctor for qualified help.
Blood moves thanks to the small and large circle of blood circulation with the help of the heart, which pushes it along the vascular system from top to bottom to the lower extremities. Having easily descended to the legs, the blood fluid with difficulty returns back up. Wise nature invented venous valves, which contribute to the high-quality movement of blood back.
The movement is as follows: the heart pushes the blood up through the veins, it is fixed by valves at a certain level until the next heartbeat. The leg muscles are also involved in the movement of blood fluid: when walking, the process of "compression-relaxation" of the vessels occurs. In this case, blood actively moves from valve to valve. This is observed in the absence of varicose veins, and when the veins are in a healthy state.
In a pathological process characterized by varicose veins, there is no normal outflow of blood from the lower extremities, since the valves do not close. The outflow of blood fluid slows down as a result of the gap formed between them. With poor blood circulation, the vein stretches. And the worse the outflow, the more the condition of the veins is aggravated.
The reasons for the development of pathology
More often vascular pathologies develop in women than in men. The vessels of the lower extremities are most affected. They can also be in the groin area, anus (anus).
The development of varicose veins is facilitated by:
- weakness of the venous wall;
- hereditary predisposition;
- congenital anomalies of the veins (underdeveloped connective tissue (collagen)).
As a rule, the listed factors are the trigger mechanism in the development of varicose veins if a healthy lifestyle is not followed. Varicose veins can manifest itself against the background of provoking factors.
But some other reasons can provoke the formation of an inflammatory process. With their constant manifestation, the pathological process develops in those people who are not burdened by heredity.
Provoking factors:
- lack of physical activity during the day;
- unbalanced diet;
- heavy physical activity (carrying weights);
- "Standing" or "sedentary" work (from 6 to 8 hours / day);
- frequent compression of the veins in the leg-by-leg posture;
- permanent sitting with legs down;
- overweight and obesity;
- violation of the daily routine and nutrition;
- frequent constipation;
- constant wearing of high heels;
- violation of the drinking regime.
Symptoms and degrees of varicose veins
Symptoms of the manifestation of varicose veins depend on the stages of development of the disease. The international scientific community has systematized several stages of the formation of varicose veins. (CEAP - Clinical Etiology Anatomy Pathology). They can appear if you do not pay due attention to this pathology.
Stage No. 0. Vascular changes are not visually visible, but there are complaints (the legs are swollen, there is pain in the lower extremities, there may be cramps at night).
Stage No. 1. On the skin of the legs there is a network of vascular "stars", in the presence of the above complaints.
Stage 2. Symptoms of "real" varicose veins (veins are dilated, there are venous nodules in the form of bluish nodules that increase with long sitting or long walking in high-heeled shoes), blood clots may form.
Stage 3. The above symptoms are accompanied by regular edema that appears in the evening and disappears in the morning.
Stage 4. The presence of trophic changes due to lack of nutrition:
- accumulation of age spots (from dark brown to black shades);
- inflammatory process of the skin (small redness can go to weeping lesions);
- violation of the epidermis (the presence of white, sunken areas);
- the formation of trophic ulcers.
Stage No. 5. The listed symptoms are present, healed trophic ulcers are present.
Stage 6. Actively manifested trophic ulcers.
Complications of varicose veins
Impaired blood flow leads to congestion in the veins of the lower extremities. And this contributes to the development of the inflammatory process of the vascular system of the legs, which leads to the destruction of the venous wall and valves. Veins are increasingly deformed and cannot perform their function.
Further, the pathological process is aggravated, and complications develop:
- venous insufficiency;
- trophic ulcers;
- profuse bleeding from wounds;
- the development of thrombophlebitis (formation of blood clots);
- the formation of thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery (leading to death).
Folk remedies: methods of treatment
Herbal medicines prepared at home will help alleviate the condition with varicose veins:
Recipe No. 1. We take bitter wormwood (1 tbsp. L. Dry grass), mix with sour cream (1 tbsp. L.). We apply the resulting mass to the problem area, cover it with a gauze napkin on top and bandage it. Leaves a compress for 2-2.5 hours. The course is 5 days.
Recipe number 2. We use lilac (young leaves) pour boiling water. We heat on fire for 10 -15 minutes, using the principle of "water bath". Then we remove the container from the heat, filter and cool. Moisten a previously prepared haze napkin in the broth, squeeze a little and apply to the problem area for 60 minutes. The course of treatment is 5-6 days.
Important! Herbal treatment is not a panacea for varicose veins. Compresses alone will not be enough. Here it is necessary to connect pharmacological preparations.
What are: types of dosage forms
For the treatment of varicose veins, many effective and inexpensive pharmacological preparations have been developed: creams, ointments, balms, gels for external use and tablets.
Advice! In the treatment of varicose veins, it is necessary to select a comprehensive treatment, increasing the tone of the veins, it is necessary to normalize blood circulation in the body, to reduce the viscosity of the blood.
Historical fact! Varicose veins are a fairly ancient disease. In Egyptian manuscripts, descriptions of varicose veins were found with therapeutic methods, which included cauterization of problem vessels with hot iron. In China, the affected vessels were removed with special hooks.
Characteristics of the best anti-varicose agents
N / a | Name | Recommended for | Drug action |
1. | Gel "Indovenol" Ukraine | Adults and children after 14 years of age at different stages of the disease | Capillary stabilizing, anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent |
2. | Tablets "Angionorm" Russia | Adults with varicose veins | Unique formula, has an analgesic effect, on a natural basis |
3. | Detralex tablets France | Adults with diseases of the veins of the lower extremities and hemorrhoids | Effective venotonic, relieves cramps, heaviness in the legs, feeling of "tiredness" of the legs, relieves pain |
4. | Balsam "Venolis" Cannaderm Czech Republic | For different age categories of people (children from 3 years old, pregnant women, elderly people with venous insufficiency) | Natural preparation with cooling effect, relieves pain, swelling, flaking and itching |
5. | Shark fat and acacia cream Russia | Indicated for adults with progressive varicose veins | A high-quality and effective foot care product, removes spider veins, tones the calf muscles, relieves fatigue and pain |
6. | Venomaz Russia | Suitable for people of different age groups at different stages of the disease | Natural foot care product, excellent anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic drug |
Gel "Indovenol"
A topical capillary stabilizing agent that blocks COX enzymes and thereby inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins. Promotes platelet aggregation. It is produced in the form of a gel in tubes of 40 grams. Manufacturer: Ukraine, Kiev, PJSC "Research and Production Center" Borschagovskiy Chemical - Pharmaceutical Plant ".
Active substances:
- troxerutin 20 gr. (venorutinol) as part of the bioflavonoid group;
- indomethacin 30 gr.
Average price for 40 grams: 67 rubles.
How to use: Apply to cleansed problem skin with a thin layer of the preparation (0.5-1 g) with a strip up to 5 cm, rubbing the gel for about 2 minutes 2-4 times / day. The therapeutic course is: 10 days.
Advice! It is not recommended to apply the drug more than 20 cm. After applying indovenol, do not stay in the sun.
Shelf life 3 years in a sealed form, after opening - 6 months.
- anti-inflammatory and anesthetic agent for external use;
- effective for venous insufficiency and varicose veins;
- has a venotonic effect;
- indicated for superficial thrombophlebitis, phlebitis, fibrositis, periarthritis;
- increases the elasticity and firmness of capillaries;
- improves tissue nutrition;
- prescribed for hemorrhoids;
- regularly using indomethacin, you can shorten the rehabilitation period for injuries to bones, muscles and ligaments;
- is the prevention of further development of the disease;
- has antioxidant properties;
- has positive reviews;
- the drug is certified;
- inexpensive, "budget option".
- individual intolerance;
- when it gets on the mucous membrane of the eye, it contributes to the development of hyperemia, burning sensation, pain syndrome;
- not applicable to children under 14;
- not recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers;
- has contraindications: bronchial asthma, with bronchospasm, joint administration with some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, kidney disease;
- long-term use can provoke side effects of local localization (hyperemia, burning sensation and warmth, itching and rash on the skin), as well as symptoms of poisoning.
Angionorm tablets
A new complex phlebotonic based on herbal ingredients with an anti-varicose effect. Tones and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Manufacturer: Russia, All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR), JSC "FPK PharmVILAR", Moscow. Available in tablets.
Active substances:
- flavonoid complex;
- herbal and plant extracts (hawthorn, licorice, horse chestnut, dog rose);
- escin;
- Vit S.
Average cost per pack of 100 tablets: 467 rubles.
How to take: 1 tab. / 3 times a day 40 minutes after eating. Treatment course: 3 weeks.
Expiration date: up to 5 years.
- unique formula;
- has a moderate analgesic effect;
- safe, has natural ingredients;
- relieves pain, a feeling of heaviness, tingling;
- decongestant and anticonvulsant;
- helps to reduce the symptoms of varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency by 2.6 times;
- increases vascular tone;
- improves blood circulation (blood thinner, antiplatelet property);
- strengthens capillaries;
- has a tonic effect;
- increases efficiency;
- increases resistance to stress;
- helps to strengthen the body;
- not addictive;
- has a positive effect on blood vessels in pathology of the heart muscle, rectum and uterus, in the presence of shoulder lymphostasis, in the postoperative period after removal of a malignant breast tumor;
- the number of tablets is enough for a therapeutic course;
- inexpensive drug, "budget option";
- positive reviews;
- has a patent for the invention of the composition "Angionorm" and an evidence base;
- can be used with various medications.
- individual intolerance;
- not recommended for pregnant women,
- has a slight hypnotic effect (use with caution to vehicle drivers).
Detralex tablets
Effective venotonic reduces the elasticity of veins and removes congestion in the veins. Manufacturer: France, Servier Industry Laboratories. Dosage form: 30 oval tablets and 60 pcs. packaged.
Active ingredients:
- the presence of a purified flavonoid fraction: diosmin 90% and flavonoids 10%.
How to apply:
- 1 tab. 2 times / day (one in the middle of the day, the second in the evening during meals);
- acute inflammatory process: 6 tab. 2 times / day (3 - in the morning, 3 - in the evening) for 4 days. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the doctor.
Expiration date: up to 3 years.
Average price per package: 30 tab. - 800 rubles, 60 tab. - 1200 rubles.
- an excellent therapeutic pharmacological agent;
- has a high efficiency (constant quality control, as it is produced only at a factory in France);
- thorough cleaning system of components;
- has been clinically tested, has an evidence base;
- increases capillary resistance;
- used for diseases of the veins of the lower extremities and hemorrhoids;
- relieve pain syndrome;
- removes cramps, heaviness in the legs, feeling of "tiredness" of the legs;
- is a decongestant;
- actively fights against trophic changes on the skin;
- copes well with venous trophic ulcers;
- has positive reviews;
- not addictive;
- does not affect the ability to drive vehicles.
- high price;
- individual intolerance to active substances and sensitivity to components;
- not recommended for pregnant lactating mothers;
- there may be disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract with prolonged use.
Balm "Venolis" Cannaderm
The special formula of the drug allows you to solve a functional problem: improving blood circulation, normalizing vascular resistance and venous insufficiency. Manufacturer: Czech Republic, "Venolis", "CANNABIS Pharma-derm". The drug is a balm for the legs with varicose veins in a tube of 100 ml.
Active ingredients:
- hemp oil;
- plant extracts (used calendula, arnica, burdock, dill and comfrey);
- rutin;
- fir oil;
- isonitis;
- lecithin;
- vitamin C.
Average price for 100 ml: 339 rubles.
How to take: Apply to clean skin in problem areas with a thin layer, performing massage movements from the bottom up (from the ankle to the thigh). Apply several times a day as needed. For the most pronounced varicose symptoms, use with caution, without strong pressure.
• natural preparation with a cooling effect for women;
• massage balm for foot care;
• certified natural cosmetics;
• does not contain preservatives, dyes and flavorings;
• has a gel-like consistency;
• no traces of stickiness after use (perfectly absorbed);
• relieves tired legs syndrome;
• relaxes the muscles of the lower extremities;
• relieves the symptoms of varicose veins;
• helps to strengthen the capillaries;
• removes pain and swelling, peeling and itching;
• Recommended for dry skin;
• great for all types of skin;
• recommended for different age groups of people (children from 3 years old, pregnant women, elderly people with venous insufficiency);
• renews blood vessels, removes flabbiness;
• improves the functioning of the lymphatic system (the drainage function is normalized);
• antiviral and antibacterial agent;
• reduces sweating of the feet;
• has a deodorizing effect;
• is not addictive;
• has positive reviews.
• • not recommended for children under 3 years old.
Shark Fat and Acacia Cream
According to customer reviews, this drug is of high quality and effective. It has a healing effect at all stages of the development of the disease, helps to improve the condition of the skin. Manufacturer: Russia. It is produced in tubes of 75 gr.
Active substances:
- shark oil;
- acacia extract;
- essential oils of plants (mint, cypress, lemon, neroli, canola are used);
- extract from the leaves of young shoots and unripe fruits petite grain + essential oil;
- the presence of a hypoallergenic base of soft consistency;
- menthol and camphor.
Average price per tube: 390 rubles.
How to use: Apply to clean skin of the feet using massage movements from bottom to top (from feet to thighs) up to 2 times / day. Rub in the drug until completely absorbed. Application is indicated until the symptoms disappear.
- natural cream with a cooling effect;
- indicated for progressive varicose veins;
- removes spider veins;
- copes well with thrombophlebitis;
- restores the functional properties of the lymphatic and circulatory systems, improving the condition of all vessels (increases elasticity, normalizes their impermeability and lymph drainage);
- promotes the acceleration of metabolism in the body;
- tones up the calf muscles, relieves fatigue and pain;
- evens out the tone of the skin;
- not addictive;
- does not contain parabens;
- has excellent reviews;
- is an excellent preventive measure for the development of varicose veins;
- correspondence of price and quality.
- there may be an individual intolerance to the components.
A popular high-quality drug for varicose veins allows you to get rid of the symptoms of the disease in the shortest possible time. Manufacturer: Russia, LLC "Amulet of Health". It is produced in the form of an ointment for external use in a jar (75 g.).
Active substances:
- plant extracts (arnica, horse chestnut, fucus, grape leaves, hazel, butcher's broom);
- vit E and P;
- olive oil.
How to use: Apply to a clean and dry skin surface with massage movements 2 times / day. The course of treatment: until the symptoms disappear completely (up to 3 weeks).
Recommendations: do not apply simultaneously with other drugs.
Average price per jar: 690 rubles. Expiration date: 12 months.
- natural foot care;
- excellent anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic drug;
- penetrates deeply into the epidermis;
- has high efficiency;
- can be used at all stages of the development of the disease;
- suitable for people of different age groups;
- restores elasticity and firmness of blood vessels;
- helps to reduce the permeability and fragility of blood vessels;
- expands capillaries;
- removes venous congestion, improves blood circulation;
- is the prevention of the formation of nodes, ulcerative process, blood clots;
- relieves swelling, a feeling of heaviness;
- can be used for diseases of the nervous and musculoskeletal system, gout;
- has positive customer reviews;
- correspondence of price and quality.
- individual intolerance to the components.
Selection criteria: what to look for
Varicose veins are a fairly common disease. It brings discomfort to both men and women of different age groups. And everyone suffering from venous insufficiency, thrombophlebitis tries to find a therapeutic drug for himself.
This raises questions. Which means to buy Which company is better to buy Is it effective And at what price is it better to take
Before making a purchase, you need to contact a phlebologist who will conduct diagnostic measures and give recommendations on the use of medicines. Based on the doctor's prescriptions, you can select the necessary funds.
You can make the mistake of choosing another expensive branded product that is actively advertised. You shouldn't believe advertising and buy expensive creams that promise to solve the problem of varicose veins in the shortest possible time. As a rule, this is a trading move. They are cosmetics for the beauty of the legs and can only improve the condition of the skin.
On the other hand, many creams, ointments and balms have long been shown to be the best in the fight against varicose veins. And they all have an affordable price tag.
Before buying, you should pay attention to such points as:
- Individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
- Study the ratings of the most popular quality products and make a choice for yourself according to their descriptions;
- Take into account customer reviews: the best manufacturers are always at the peak of popularity;
- The principle of "matching price and quality" should work;
- Treatment should be comprehensive: using creams and ointments for external use, you need to connect a pharmacological drug. In this case, the therapeutic effect will be high.
If you have experience in the use of drugs for varicose veins, described in the rating, or other means, tell us about it in the comments.
Tablets and creams in the complex will work better
I also use medicinal foot ointments and drink venotonic. Recently I have been taking the Russian Angiorus, a high-quality and inexpensive drug. It is easily transferred, I did not notice any side effects from it, and most importantly - it helps
I myself am now drinking Angiorus, and the truth is that the drug is not bad, it is identical in action with expensive similar ones