Psoriasis is a chronic type of disease that can affect various areas of the skin. There are a lot of reasons for the manifestation of such a disease, so it is worth considering them in more detail, and also determining the most effective drugs for eliminating symptoms. The editors of the site "" have prepared for you an overview of the most effective vitamins for psoriasis.
What is psoriasis
One of the most common skin diseases nowadays is psoriasis. Every year the number of people suffering from this ailment increases significantly. Scientists are striving to find a reliable and effective remedy to cope with this scourge. They managed to achieve significant success in this field, but it is too early to talk about a complete victory.
Considering each individual case, it is safe to say that there are striking successes in the fight against psoriasis. Specialists are struck by the unpredictability of this disease, since the exact reasons for the development of this disease have not yet been established.
Often the occurrence of this disease is associated with immune failures in the body against the background of provoking events. It is almost impossible to get infected in a domestic environment from a person who is a carrier of such a disease. Therefore, they strive to get rid of this disease not because of fears of infecting others, but because of the mass of unpleasant sensations and the unattractive appearance of the patient himself.
The affected parts of the skin constantly itch, bleed and hurt, while delivering discomfort to the person affected by psoriasis. In addition, the reddish plaques look very unattractive. The defeat of the skin usually occurs in prominent places. They can be seen on the head, knees, neck, abdomen, or back. The disease is constantly progressing, so the affected areas become more and more. The moral aspect also plays an important role. The appearance of the patient and the realization of his inability to cope with the disease often brings a lot of mental anguish to the affected person. People shun psoriasis patients, not realizing that it is not contagious. It hurts and makes a person suffering from psoriasis feel desperate.
Skin wounds open up access for various infections, which does not at all inspire optimism. Therefore, many people are looking for a reliable and proven way to get rid of this ailment.
What provokes the appearance of psoriasis
According to experts, the main factors that cause the appearance of this disease include:
- Weakening of immunity;
- Stress and depression;
- Lack of sleep;
- Low physical activity;
- Unbalanced diet;
- Poor environmental situation;
- Regular injury to the skin;
- Bad habits;
- Low-quality synthetic clothing;
- Chemicals that regularly affect the skin;
- Other factors.
Types of psoriasis treatment
Treatment of this disease can be divided into the following types:
- Drug treatment;
- Surgical intervention;
- Climatotherapy;
- Lifestyle correction;
- Ethnoscience;
- Physiotherapy.
In this case, drug treatment is usually stretched for a couple of months.Due to the use of potent medicinal products, there are many side effects. These include:
- Vision problems;
- Disruption of the digestive tract;
- Headache;
- Stomach ache;
- Vomiting;
- Disruption of the vestibular apparatus.
TOP of the most effective vitamins for psoriasis
To find a suitable remedy for getting rid of psoriasis, you need to familiarize yourself with the fortified complexes, which, according to many patients, help get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of this disease.
The drug is available in the form of tablets or capsules. It has a high content of vitamins A and E, the use of which has an immunostimulating effect on the human body. It strengthens nails, improves the condition of hair and skin. Very often, such pills are prescribed as an auxiliary or main agent for the fight against psoriasis.
Taking this drug allows you to maintain an optimal level of collagen in skin cells, and also prevents the rapid spread of pathology. Thanks to this tool, the condition of the skin improves, and the affected tissues are restored. In addition, the drug relieves itching and dryness. The package contains 20 tablets, and the cost of the drug "Aevit" is 120 rubles.
- Affordable price;
- Efficiency;
- Can be taken internally and applied externally;
- Helps with psoriasis;
- Improves skin condition;
- Significantly improves the condition of hair and nails;
- Can be used in complex therapy;
- Helps with hair loss;
- Used as a rejuvenating agent.
- It is necessary to observe the dosage, since there is a great likelihood of hypervitaminosis;
- There are contraindications;
- Adverse reactions may occur;
- May promote weight gain.
This drug strengthens the immune system and improves microcirculation in blood and tissues. In addition, the intake of this vitamin complex will help normalize metabolic processes. The composition of the pills includes vitamins of groups A, C and B. A single dose of admission is 2 pills. With personal intolerance to the drug or an overdose, the following symptoms may appear:
- Nausea;
- Heart rhythm problems;
- Deterioration of the skin condition;
- Digestive upset.
When such a reaction occurs to a drug, the doctor first reduces the dosage. If you are allergic to the drug, you should stop taking it immediately. The cost of Revit is 55 rubles.
- Acceptable price;
- Convenient packaging;
- Efficiency;
- Safety;
- Pleasant taste;
- Combined vitamin preparation;
- Ease of use;
- Domestic manufacturer.
- Do not give to children under 3 years old;
- Individual intolerance is possible;
- High content of vitamin A;
- There may be side effects;
- The lid on the packaging is sometimes difficult to open.
It is often used as an antioxidant. Vitamin E helps to reduce the negative effects of toxins on the systems of the human body. "Tocopherol" stimulates biological protein synthesis, influences cell proliferation and improves tissue respiration, and also takes part in metabolic processes. Plus, thanks to vitamin E:
- Human performance increases;
- Blood circulation is normalized;
- The level of glucose in the blood decreases;
- The cells of the body are rejuvenated;
- The hormonal background is stabilized;
- The process of restoring damaged tissues is accelerated;
- The risk of cancer is minimized;
- The action of free radicals is neutralized;
- The processes of scarring and the appearance of scars are slowed down;
- Protects the epidermis from UV rays;
- Negative processes caused by toxins are eliminated;
- The oxidative processes in the blood are stopped.
The medicine has side effects, which include:
- Manifestation of allergic reactions;
- Nausea;
- Increased gassing;
- Bowel disorder;
- High blood pressure.
As with any medicine, this medicine must be taken at the correct dosage. In case of an overdose, the following symptoms may appear:
- Headache;
- Dizziness;
- Rash;
- Weakness;
- Muscle pain;
- Rapid breathing;
- Blood pressure surges;
- Distortion of visual perception;
- Bruises;
- Apathy;
- Increased fatigue;
- Sexual dysfunction;
- Pain in the stomach or heart.
Tocopherol is an excellent remedy for psoriasis. This drug can be taken by mouth or applied to damaged skin. The drug is produced in capsules of 0.2 grams. The package contains 10 capsules, the cost of which is 21 rubles.
- Acceptable price;
- High-speed performance;
- Efficiency;
- Strong antioxidant;
- Safety;
- Suitable even for pregnant women;
- Smoothes even fine wrinkles;
- Long lasting anti-aging effect.
- There are side effects;
- There are contraindications;
- The result does not appear immediately;
- Should not be taken after age 30;
- Short shelf life;
- Uncomfortable to swallow.
The preparation contains up to 11 vitamins and 8 minerals. It is prescribed for increased physical and mental stress, with complex treatment with the appointment of antibiotic therapy, during the recovery period from severe or infectious diseases, as well as to combat psoriasis. This drug contains:
- Retinol acetate;
- Tocopherol acetate;
- Thiamine hydrochloride;
- Nicotinamide;
- Folic acid;
- Riboflavin mononucleotide;
- Rutin;
- Pyridoxine hydrochloride,
- Lipoic acid,
- Vitamin C;
- Phosphorus;
- Copper;
- Iron;
- Magnesium;
- Manganese;
- Cobalt;
- Calcium;
- Talc;
- Sucrose;
- Povidone K17;
- Calcium stearate;
- Zinc;
- Lemon acid;
- Hyprolosis.
In general, the drug is completely safe, but the manifestation of allergic reactions is possible in case of intolerance to one of the components included in the drug. This remedy is not recommended for children under 12 years old. The cost of Complivit is 125 rubles per pack, which contains 30 tablets.
- Acceptable cost;
- Balanced composition;
- Positive effect on all body systems;
- Efficiency;
- Convenient dragee form;
- Availability;
- Increased immunity;
- Pleasant taste.
- You need to take only after meals, as otherwise it can cause a gag reflex;
- There are contraindications;
- A rash may appear;
- The effect of taking the pills goes away very quickly.
An effective remedy for psoriasis is this drug, the tablets of which are covered with subtle blotches. Such a remedy is considered an essential amino acid involved in the synthesis of adrenaline, hormones, enzymes, a source of ascorbic and folic acids, as well as creatinine and cyanocobalamin. Methionine plays an important role in triggering the creation of new proteins in muscles. Taking this drug produces significant positive changes at the molecular level. Compliance with the dosage when using such a remedy will help not only get rid of psoriasis, but also increase life expectancy. Thanks to this drug, you can heal or reduce the discomfort in such diseases:
- Hot flashes in postmenopausal women;
- Shingles;
- Liver detoxification;
- Herpes;
- Papillomas;
- Depression;
- Alcoholism;
- Pancreatitis;
- Mental illness;
- Allergy;
- Psoriasis;
- Asthma;
- Oncological diseases;
- Radiation side effects.
Taking such a medication is possible only after consulting your doctor. In some cases, its use is undesirable. These include:
- MTHFR gene mutations;
- Acute viral hepatitis;
- Cancer;
- Hepatic encephalopathy;
- Depression;
- Severe liver failure;
- Insulin resistance.
Because of the unpleasant smell, it is better for children to give it along with sweet syrup or jelly. Reception during pregnancy is advisable if the benefits to the fetus outweigh the possible risks.
The preparation includes:
- Methionine;
- Potato starch;
- Colloidal anhydrous silicon dioxide;
- Calcium stearate;
- Polysorbate.
Like any other medicinal product, "Methionine" should be used according to the dosage standards. Uncontrolled intake of the drug can cause the following symptoms:
- Disorientation;
- Tachycardia;
- Arterial hypotension;
- Nausea;
- Vomiting.
The cost of the drug "Methionine" is 46 rubles for 50 tablets of 250 mg.
- Affordable price;
- A wide range of actions;
- Efficiency;
- Convenient form of release;
- Safety;
- Domestic manufacturer.
- Little study of the drug;
- Individual intolerance;
- Changes at the gene level;
- Can be dangerous in high doses;
- Doesn't improve appetite;
- Side effects;
- In difficult and neglected situations, an integrated approach is required, since the drug itself does not cope.
The effectiveness of this drug is entirely due to the properties of the vitamins that make up its composition. These include:
- Vitamin E;
- Pyridoxine hydrochloride;
- Riboflavin;
- Vitamin C;
- Retinol palmitate;
- Nicotinamide;
- Cyanocobalamin;
- Rutin;
- Folic acid;
- Calcium pantothenate;
- Vitamin B1;
- Peppermint oil.
Such a remedy will be effective not only for eliminating psoriasis, but also for improving metabolism or general condition in old age. It is prescribed for the course of taking antibiotics, as well as for hypovitaminosis. It will be correct to prescribe it during the period of recovery after illness. It is necessary to use "Undevit" only after meals. With extreme caution, the use of such a remedy should be treated in cases of the presence of these diseases:
- Severe liver damage;
- Peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
- Individual intolerance to one of the components.
When taken, urine may turn yellow. Do not combine the use of this drug with other vitamin complexes. The cost of "Undevit" is 50 rubles per package containing 50 pills.
- Affordable cost;
- Efficiency;
- Subject to the dosage, a quick and stable result;
- Great for the elderly;
- Strengthens the immune system;
- Convenient packaging;
- Balanced composition;
- Original taste;
- Can be purchased at almost any pharmacy;
- There is a vitamin of rejuvenation in the composition;
- Rapid absorption in the body.
- Somewhat unpleasant taste;
- There are contraindications;
- There are no trace elements;
- No instructions for use in the package;
- Allergy is possible.
This combined preparation perfectly restores the lack of vitamins C and P, and also helps to cope with various diseases. It is recommended to take it for such diseases:
- Violation of vascular permeability;
- Rheumatism;
- Diathesis of hemorrhagic type;
- Typhus;
- Retinal hemorrhage;
- Capillarotoxicosis;
- Psoriasis;
- Angina;
- Radiation sickness;
- Measles;
- Septic endocarditis;
- Allergy;
- Glomerulonephritis;
- Arachnoiditis.
Ascorutin includes:
- Rutoside;
- Vitamin C;
- Vitamins of group A, B and E.
The drug contains an optimal set of elements for the treatment of psoriasis and dermatitis. The cost of "Askorutin" is 33 rubles for 50 tablets.
- It is used in cosmetology;
- Antioxidant;
- Thins the blood;
- Affordable price;
- Possesses antiviral properties;
- Strengthens blood vessels;
- Domestic manufacturer;
- Pleasant taste;
- Balanced composition;
- Efficiency;
- Multifunctionality;
- Circles under the eyes are reduced.
- Reception should be carried out only after consulting a doctor;
- Increases appetite;
- Side effects may occur, so it is worthwhile to carefully study the contraindications;
- Heartburn;
- In cancer, it can enhance the growth of a malignant tumor;
- It doesn't help right away.
This vitamin complex against psoriasis is available in the form of injections. Before using it, you must obtain permission from your doctor.In addition, the treatment regimen can only be developed on an individual basis. The drug is prescribed for such diseases:
- Polyneuritis;
- Streptomycin poisoning
- Eczema,
- Diseases of the nervous system
- Diabetes;
- Neurodermatitis;
- Psoriasis,
- Intestinal atony;
- Insufficient blood circulation;
- Photodermatosis;
- Lupus erythematosus;
- Trophic ulcer;
- Toxicosis;
- Pink lichen;
- Burns;
- Allergy,
- Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
The preparation contains:
- Pantothenic acid;
- Coenzyme A;
- Calcium Pantothenate;
- Pyridoxine hydrochloride.
During treatment, the following side effects may appear:
- Vomiting;
- Nausea;
- Diarrhea;
- Pain in the upper abdomen;
- Heartburn.
The cost of "Pyridoxine" is 26 rubles for 10 ampoules.
- Convenient packaging;
- Affordable price;
- Efficiency;
- Sterility;
- Availability;
- Suitable for outdoor and indoor use;
- Usefulness for the body.
- Soreness of the procedure;
- Side effects;
- Drowsiness;
- Prostration;
- An overdose of the drug is very dangerous;
- Unpleasant odor;
- Numbness.
Complexes with vitamin D have a significant effect on the state of the immune, bone and nervous systems. In psoriasis, such a component is the most important substance in the treatment. The main function of this vitamin is to heal wounds and restore bone tissue, as well as to accelerate regeneration. "Daivonex" performs D-vitamin-like and antipsoriatic action. Using it:
- Puffiness is removed;
- The inflammatory process is stopped;
- Itching is eliminated;
- Peeling stops;
- Painful sensations pass;
- The crust stops forming.
Daivonex is available as a cream or ointment. It must be applied in a thin layer to the affected areas. Noticeable improvements can be seen in a couple of weeks. In pediatrics, this treatment can be used for children from 6 years old under the supervision of a doctor. During the treatment of psoriasis with this remedy, the following side effects may occur:
- Itching;
- Puffiness;
- Exacerbation of psoriasis;
- Allergic rashes;
- Contact dermatitis;
- Dryness of the epidermis.
If such factors appear, you must stop using the drug. You can buy Daivonex for 1112 rubles.
- Efficiency;
- Practically harmless;
- Odorless;
- Does not get dirty;
- Not a hormonal drug;
- Fast results.
- High price;
- Side effects;
- Not suitable for everyone;
- Life-long treatment;
- Not enough for a long time.
This article discusses the most affordable and effective vitamin complexes for psoriasis. If you have experience using vitamins for psoriasis described in the rating, or a more effective treatment option, share your opinion in the comments.
I have psoriasis about 6 years old. I drink Aevit periodically, but my salvation turned out to be Kartalin-A ointment. It is not cheap (at least in Belarus), but it is better than smearing with hormonal ointments, which I personally do not have at all. I hear about Daivonex for the first time, I have to look with us. But at a price from exactly cheaper than Kartalin. And most importantly, nerves !!! As soon as I get nervous, there is an aggravation. And alcohol provokes too. These are my personal observations.
I agree with you, I use Kartalin or Acrustal (alternating after a year) as the skin gets used to it, and it helps with hormonal ointments, but for a while, since they remove the plaques inside, after a while they appear again.