Choosing the best wedding gift


The guest invited to the wedding immediately faces the question of how to choose a special gift that will please both the groom and the bride.When deciding which gift is better to buy, you need to decide: whether it will be a useful item in family use or an original present that reminds the couple of a happy wedding day. You can take into account such selection criteria as popularity, character traits and the age of the newlyweds. The editors of the site "" have prepared several ideas for wedding gifts.

Popular gifts

Practical and functional gifts are received by newlyweds from parents and close relatives who choose the most necessary things for the couple. Rating with the ratio of price and popularity:

1st place: small kitchen appliances for a family

Average price from 1.500 to 10.000 rubles

According to sales consultants for home appliance stores, such budget purchases hold the leading position and will continue to be popular in 2024. This can be a toaster, juicer, or a mini oven with a heating function. Such an oven will replace a microwave and a bread maker, saving budget and space in the kitchen, and will be a good help for a real housewife.


  • low cost and undoubted benefits for the family.


  • other guests can give young people similar household appliances, so it is best to consult with the bride and groom in advance. There will be no surprise for the couple, but the likelihood of getting into a mess will decrease.

Before buying, you should study the review of models from well-known brands, paying attention to customer reviews in order to choose a high-quality and reliable household appliance.

2nd place: household items

The average cost is from 5.000 to 15.000 rubles.

Which one is better to buy is up to the donor. This can be cookware, a cutlery set or bedding set, as well as picnic or grill sets. It is better to choose household items made in an unusual style - such a present will not look boring and ordinary.

For example, original tableware will look non-trivial on any table. The material can be anything: ceramics, plexus, porcelain, glass, etc. You can choose plain ceramic plates and apply photographs or any bright and unusual print on them. This approach will immediately make an ordinary present from family or friends exclusive.

You can choose a bed set with a pattern in popular 3d graphics, or order photographic or caricature images of newlyweds on bed linen, or purchase unusual cutlery with handles in the form of young shoots or animal figurines.


  • such gifts will always come in handy at home if a young family plans to live separately. Even if the young people receive similar household items from other guests, it's not scary.


  • laboriousness of choice. You need to choose a decor studio with good reviews in advance, familiarize yourself with samples of the work performed and customer reviews.

3rd place: large household appliances

Not everyone knows what to look for when choosing it.Sales consultants recommend looking not only at the technical characteristics, but also at the country of origin:

  • Dishwasher or washing machine. According to buyers and sales consultants, the best models of this technique are produced by the Germans.
  • Refrigerator. The best manufacturers of this kitchen appliance are Danes and Germans.
  • TV or home theater. Japanese and Korean companies are leading here.
  • Robot vacuum cleaner. It will be trivial to give a regular vacuum cleaner. The smart assistant with voice communication will save you tons of cleaning time and can be programmed to say funny phrases and sentences. This niche has been tightly occupied by German manufacturing firms, and recently our compatriots have been seriously competing with them.


  • such a present solves most of the everyday problems of a young family, while significantly saving the family budget.


  • the cost is from 30,000 to 200,000 rubles, if you choose equipment from well-known manufacturers. It was this criterion that pushed large household appliances to the 3rd place in the rating. You can consider inexpensive options for large household appliances from companies that have established themselves in the market.
  • unreliability of budget options. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to study the rating of high-quality budget models and customer reviews, where they usually indicate all the advantages and disadvantages of such a technique. The seller's recommendations will also help you avoid mistakes when choosing and purchase high-quality and inexpensive household appliances for newlyweds.

Inexpensive and original

If the proposed options seem trivial, you can pay attention to the unusual options. Such a present may not be functional, but it will cause joyful emotions on the wedding day and will evoke pleasant memories.

In 2024, confectionery with food grade gold or silver continues to gain popularity. You can give the young couple honey and gold, or cakes with gold or silver decor. Such an unusual present-wish for a sweet and prosperous life will surely please the young.

No less popular is the time capsule, in which you can put the wishes of the guests to the newlyweds and the messages of the couple to their future children, and solemnly seal them before the silver wedding. There are different options for making capsules from any material, with or without commemorative engraving.

The cost of such presents starts from 3,000 rubles, the main condition for the purchase is to choose what the donor himself would be pleased to receive as a present. Even a small or inexpensive souvenir with meaning, chosen with heart and beautifully packaged, will give young people positive emotions.


  • Originality.


    • Not everyone will appreciate the meaning;
    • The effect of a gift does not always correlate with its price.

Exclusive gifts

To choose something expensive and exclusive for a couple, friends and acquaintances can cooperate, or they can give something personally of themselves. Top 4 unusual wedding gifts in the price range of 20,000 rubles and above:

  • 1st place: Named star, named after a young family

The service is confirmed by a certificate awarded to the bride and groom. The cost of a star, which can be seen with an amateur telescope or binoculars, starts at 20,000 rubles.

  • 2nd place: Certificates with an open date and with the right to use for two years

These can be certificates:

  • SPA, restaurant or hotel,
  • on a date in an unusual place,
  • on an adventure for two: participation in a quest, parachute jump, bungee jumping, hot air balloon flight, etc.

In prioritizing the latter, you need to make sure the newlyweds enjoy the adventure they choose. The average cost is from 20,000 to 60,000 rubles.

  • 3rd place: gold bar with a personalized engraving or paired jewelry

Signet for the groom and a brooch or pendant for the bride, which can later become a family heirloom and be inherited.You can order a jeweler for items decorated with a monogram with the initials of the bride and groom. It will not only be an exclusive decoration, but also a contribution to the future of a young family, a kind of fireproof supply just in case. Its cost starts at 30,000 rubles, and increases depending on the weight of the ingot or the complexity and weight of the decoration.

  • 4th place: banquet hall decor with matching wedding accessories

Young people will surely be grateful for such savings in the funds allocated for the wedding. The average price is 70,000 rubles.


  • positive emotions and unforgettable impressions that remain for a lifetime.

The main disadvantage of this category:

  • high value of gifts.

Surprise gifts from friends

A special place in the ranking is taken by surprises. Top 6 surprises for newlyweds. As usual, the most inexpensive options are at the top positions of the rating:

  • 1st place: fireworks from live butterflies

Live tropical butterflies can be bought in the specialist shop. There they will be packed in a beautiful box and will explain how to open it correctly in order to effectively release butterflies at the right time. The average cost of such a surprise is from 3,500 to 10,000 rubles.

  • 2nd place: video clip

A video with touching and funny moments of a couple's life together before the wedding is a pleasant surprise for the young. The main thing here is the good quality of the video, the right music and, of course, the positive subtext. One minute of video costs 900 rubles on average.

  • 3rd place: draw

Newlyweds and guests will be surprised by the appearance of police officers or robbers at the celebration. The main thing is that the rally does not go too far, causing a negative reaction from the guests. The price starts at 10,000 rubles, varying depending on the scenario and the number of actors involved.

  • 4th place: exclusive fragrance for young people

A professional perfumer will create a personalized scent for the spouses named after them. It can be presented to young people and guests at a wedding celebration by filling them with special sprays. Also, the bride and groom are presented with an elegant bottle with their family scent. The average price is from 30,000 to 100,000 rubles.

  • 5th place: fireworks

You can please the newlyweds and guests by ordering the services of pyrotechnics, or purchase professional pyrotechnic shells. The main thing is to choose a quality product or a pyrotechnic company that is responsible for the quality of the service. Such a surprise will cost from 30,000 to 150,000 rubles.

  • 6th place: wedding cake

A masterpiece of confectionery art will be a pleasant and memorable surprise gift. Its cost directly depends on the professionalism and popularity of the confectionery company and ranges from 30,000 to 20,000 rubles.

The main advantage of such surprises:

  • A lot of positive, joyful emotions, an atmosphere of celebration and happiness that they give.


  • impracticality;
  • high price;
  • unpredictable reactions to some of them.

The advice of relatives and friends who know the young couple well will help to choose the right surprise for the couple. Then you can be sure that he will delight the newlyweds and, at least, will not frighten the guests.

Useful gifts

For serious people getting married, practical options are fine. Gift certificates are still relevant in 2024.

For example, when choosing a piece of furniture for a wedding for a young man, you may not be guessing with the style, size or color. A gift certificate for furniture will give newlyweds the opportunity to purchase the piece of furniture they like themselves. The minimum amount of the certificate is 1,000 rubles, the maximum - depending on the store.

The advantages of such a gift:

  • convenience;
  • versatility;
  • price starting from 1,000 rubles.


  • The risk of choosing a store where the donees do not make purchases.

Hand-made gifts

If the donor has a creative streak, material for the embodiment of an original idea and a desire to independently make something exclusive with his own hands, you can pay attention to all sorts of hand-made gift ideas.The first positions in the rating are occupied by presents that can be made without special skills:

  • 1st place: a box or chest for pleasant memories

In such a box, the couple will put memorable little things for both. The main thing is to find or buy a suitable container with a lid. You can cover it with leather or fabric, pasted over with lace or decorate with ribbons. Such a box can be supplemented with a gift certificate by placing it inside.

  • 2nd place: money brick

Gift souvenir for a couple dreaming of their own home. On the edges of the brick, you can write wishes with a special marker, and attach a bag with a nth amount to the brick itself. Perhaps this symbolic brick will be the first in the construction of a future home.

  • 3rd place: interior bouquet

You can also create such a bouquet personally for the bride or for the home of a young couple with your own hands. In the first case, you need to know the main colors of the wedding celebration so that the composition harmoniously fits into the color scheme. In the second case, you can create a bouquet of neutral shades that will look in any interior. The material can be anything: artificial flowers, lace, satin ribbons, rhinestones, etc. Such a bouquet can be a good alternative to the usual bouquet of flowers and a great addition to the main gift.

  • 4th place: paired lovebirds

The two dolls symbolizing the bride and groom can be sewn, knitted or sculpted from polymer clay, cold porcelain or other special materials, and painted accordingly.

The main condition is the quality of performance.

The motto "Sloppy, but from the heart" is hardly appropriate here - if, of course, the donor wants his present to decorate the newlyweds' dwelling, and was not pushed into the far corner of the closet or eventually sent to the trash can.

Advantages of DIY gifts:

  • exclusivity;
  • low cost compared to ready-made products that can be bought in stores.

Disadvantage of such a gift:

  • you will have to spend a certain amount of time on it, so it is better to think over the options for its implementation in advance, and also stock up on the necessary materials to implement the idea.

How best to give money

The idea of ​​such a design can be used if you plan to donate money for a wedding. Of course, you can give a certain amount in a beautiful wedding envelope. Or show a little more imagination and make with your own hands:

  • Money bouquet. Banknotes of different denominations are curled in a certain way, connected with paper clips. The corners of rolled bills can be decorated with self-adhesive rhinestones and beads, which can be easily removed without damaging the money “petals”. Packed in corrugated paper, this bouquet will look very stylish.
  • The money tree is made of wire, plywood or cardboard, leaves of corrugated paper or ribbons and bills of various denominations are attached to the branches. Such a tree can be drawn on paper and framed like a painting.
  • Money umbrella. Tie plastic pockets to the spokes of the umbrella from the inside and put bills in them so that they do not wrinkle or break when opened. You can buy a plain umbrella and translate any inscription-wishes or a photo of the bride and groom on it.
    A detailed description of the manufacture of such monetary gifts can be found on the Internet, there is nothing complicated about it. The main condition: accuracy, a couple of hours of free time and patience.

Gifts from colleagues

Usually, a colleague is presented with something useful and versatile at a wedding. The exception is when a business acquaintance has grown into friendship. But most often the following is chosen as a wedding presentation to a colleague:

• souvenir - it can be a statuette or a traditional horseshoe for good luck in an unusual or jewelry design;
• a tea or coffee service or a more interesting option - an oriental set for a tea ceremony;
• set for making sushi and rolls;
• publication of culinary recipes in hardcover, on good paper and with colorful photographs of the dishes;
• a set of stones for cooling drinks - you can find stones that are not packed in a canvas bag, but in a box, and make a personal engraving on it with congratulations and wishes for young people.

The main advantages of such gifts are practicality, versatility and low cost: from 3,000 to 6,000 rubles. They will not be superfluous in household use. In the set, the main gift from this category can be accompanied by beautifully designed playful "documents", for example, the registration certificate of the bride and groom or the diploma of the newlyweds. You can buy them at a joke store. Such a technique will make it possible to make even a small gift or souvenir more meaningful, amusing young people and guests.

Selection and delivery rules

The first rule is as follows: in no case should you say how much a gift costs, even if it is expensive. This is simply not ethical: knowledgeable people will already understand how valuable this or that present is, and there is no need to notify about it.

The second rule concerns the choice of a gift, and those things that cannot be given for one reason or another. These can be folk signs, considerations of an ethical plan, etc. Whatever these prohibitions are dictated, they have long been established, known to almost everyone, and it is better not to violate this rule so as not to create a tense or unpleasant situation by presenting the newlyweds with something what to give.

Top 15 Most Common Anti-Gifts

  1. Wrist, wall or grandfather clocks. They steal from the young minutes of life together and can cause an early divorce or widowhood of one of the spouses. Young people should also not present watches to each other.
  2. Kitchen knives, daggers, sabers and other edged weapons. According to signs, a sharp blade "cuts" the bond between the newlyweds, which is also fraught with separation or death of one of the spouses.
  3. Antiques and antiques that are not family or have a "bad" history. It is believed that things keep the negative energy of the previous owners, negatively affecting the family life of the newlyweds, therefore, if the history of an antique thing is not known for certain, it is not worth giving it to a wedding.
  4. Thin glass products and fragile items. Quite a controversial ban, especially considering that it was absolutely normal to donate dishes for a wedding in the old times of scarcity. To neutralize the negative power of such a gift, you can jokingly tell the bride and groom that this gift is not given, but sold, and costs five kopecks. Then the negative aura of the gift will lose its power, and will eliminate the superstitious fear from those who believe in such a prohibition. This also includes souvenirs, the history and meaning of which the donor does not know. There is a great risk of giving a thing with a negative energy coloration.
  5. Plants in pots. It is believed that any indoor plants donated for a wedding can cause health problems and with the conception of children.
  6. Intimate things with a pronounced sexual connotation. There is no need to embarrass newlyweds and guests.
  7. Single items, including paintings with one character depicted on them. The gift should be paired, equally suitable for both the groom and the bride.
  8. Pearl. Pearls are believed to symbolize tears. Therefore, opting for jewelry, it is better to prefer those that do not have pearl inserts.
  9. Decorative fountains, mirrors, furniture and interior items - the risk is too great not to guess with the style or size.
  10. Climate technology: air conditioners, fans, etc. - this will cool the feelings between the newlyweds. But, even if you do not attach importance to it, such a household item should be presented at such a solemn moment.
  11. Horns are too frank symbolism of a possible perspective for one of the spouses. You shouldn't give such an ambiguous gift.
  12. Pets. If it was not agreed in advance with the bride and groom what kind of pet and what breed they would like to receive, it is better to refrain from such a gift.
  13. Cufflinks, combs, hairpins for a tie or hair - all these items, according to legends, will turn a young spouse into henpecked, and a young wife will be "presented" with a grumpy disposition.
  14. Handkerchiefs - to quarrels and tears. A handkerchief can be presented to the groom by the bride, having previously embroidered something on it with her own hands - then it will symbolize her willingness to share with her husband all the sorrows and troubles of life together.
  15. Bouquets with thorns. Thorns can injure the bride's hands, and on the mental plane they promise many life pricks and troubles for the newlywed.

Someone does not attach much importance to such superstitions, while others take them seriously. However, with a huge selection of what can and should be given for a wedding, it will be easy to choose a gift for the newlyweds, avoiding ambiguous and dubious options. The main thing to remember is that it is better to choose it in advance, and not on the eve of a solemn event. Then there will be every chance to present the young with a special gift that will surely delight them and leave pleasant memories of the donor and the happy day of the beginning of their family life.


  1. Veronica

    Money in envelopes is trivial, as many do so as not to get dirty. I believe that it is more sincere and original to give something as a keepsake. We presented a relief three-dimensional bas-relief painting with the image of doves on a sakura branch. The picture turned out to be very tender, symbolic and solemn. The bride and groom were delighted!


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